The Border Security Force on Monday night shot dead a Pakistani intruder who was trying to cross over to India near Shri Karanpur in Ganganagar district of Rajasthan. The body was handed back to Pakistan on Tuesday evening.
A BSF official said the incident took place late on Monday night around 2.30 am at Harmukh post near Majhiwala village. There was heavy fog, and the Pakistani man was trying to enter with the help of a torch. The BSF warned the intruder but opened fire out of self defence. The man was found dead at the first light.
Pakistani rangers initially refused to take the body, and it was kept in a mortuary in Ganganagar, the official said. Later after identification, the body was handed over in the evening on Tuesday.
Also Read:BSF guns down Pakistani intruder, nabs another on international border in Jammu
The BSF found Pakistani currency, a match box, and a cigarette packet on the deceased person.
A week back, the BSF foiled another infiltration attempt by a Pakistani infiltrator in Srikaranpur on November 26. He was caught and interrogated.