24 x 7 World News

Installation of MiG-21, Gnat aircraft to cost Rs 25.69 lakh


Installation of MiG-21 aircraft and Gnat aircraft on pole of the UT press building in Sector 18 will cost Rs 25.69 lakh to the Chandigarh Administration for the Indian Air Force Heritage Centre that is to be developed here. Providing and fixing the false ceiling in the museum hall will cost Rs 23.41 lakh.

As the work of the Indian Air Force Heritage Centre has been asked to be expedited, tenders in this regard have been floated by the engineering wing of the Chandigarh Administration.

It was on June 3 this year that the Indian Air Force and Chandigarh Administration signed a memorandum of understanding. Though the first deadline for opening of the centre was fixed as August 15, the same has already missed the deadline.

This museum, which will display different aircraft of the Indian Air Force and also depict the role played by the services in various wars, is being set up at Government Press Building in Sector 18. Officials said that the centre is set to have eight attractions, including aircraft models and weapon displays, and the biggest attraction will be its very own flight simulator.

It was also stated that in addition, the informative exhibits, including aero engines, aircraft, kiosks and other Air Force artefacts, including machines/fixtures, films on achievements and personalities and guides, will also be set up.

The tender stated that the estimated cost would be Rs 25,69,523. It was specified that the criteria for the agency that will carry out the work would be the one “having satisfactorily completed similar works during the last seven years ending last day of the previous month in which the tender has been invited.” The bids have been called till November 9.

This joint project of Chandigarh Administration and IAF is planned to be completed by this year.

According to the administration, the heritage centre will have artefact, simulators and interactive boards to highlight various facets of IAF.

It will also showcase the vital role played by the service in various wars and assistance rendered for humanitarian and disaster relief.

As part of the criteria for installing the MIG -21 and the other one on the pole, it was also mentioned that the agency that will take over the work may have done three similar works each having value not less than Rs 10,27,809 or two similar works each having value not less than Rs 15,41,714 or one similar work of value not less than Rs 20,55,618.

Similar work here means “successful execution and completion of works for Installation of Aircraft
on MS Pole”. It was also said that the value of executed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum calculated from date of completion to last date of receipt of tenders.

The bidder has also been asked to furnish an affidavit and also ensure that affidavit has not been blacklisted and has carried out similar works and other undertakings, should not be older than four months from the date of opening, it was said, adding that all bidders (except for the contractors enlisted with Chandigarh Administration in respective categories) should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimate cost of the work put to tender.

At the same time, it was clearly mentioned that no employee of engineering department is allowed to work as a contractor for a period of two years after his retirement from government service, without the previous permission of the Chandigarh Administration in writing.

This contract is liable to be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a person who had not obtained the permission of the Chandigarh Administration, the conditions specified.

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