Three unidentified people threw ink at BJP leader and Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil on Saturday evening when he was stepping out of a party leaderтАЩs home in Pimpri-Chinchwad. Police have detained the ink throwers, who were said to have been agitated by a statement that Patil made in Paithan near Aurangabad.
Speaking at an event on an educational campus, Patil said on Friday, тАЬThose who started schools, Ambedkar, PhuleтАж they did not depend on government aid. They started schools by going to people and begging by saying тАШI am starting a school, please give me moneyтАЩ.тАЭ
After his words were taken as an insult to these leaders, Patil clarified that he meant the schools were established by these leaders out of public money received through donations. тАЬWhat I meant was begging for funds is akin to the present-day concepts of corporate social responsibility, donations or crowdfunding,тАЭ he said.
Three unidentified people threw ink at BJP leader and Maharashtra Higher and Technical Education Minister Chandrakant Patil on Saturday evening when he was stepping out of a party leaderтАЩs home in Pimpri-Chinchwad.
Watch:тАФ Express PUNE (@ExpressPune) December 10, 2022
The ink attack evoked strong reactions from the BJP, with party leader Ram Kadam saying, тАЬWorkers from Opposition parties have done a cowardly assault on Chandrakant Patil. What he said was deliberately distorted, and a fake narrative was spun out of his statement. He has said nothing objectionable and has also clarified his position. Still he was assaulted. BJP workers are capable enough to respond to such attacks.тАЭ
The ink throwers were apprehended by police promptly. They continued to shout slogans against Patil and in favour of Dr Babasaheb Ambedkar and Mahatma Jyotiba Phule while being taken away.