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India releases list of 75 eco-friendly actions to fight climate change, pitches for its adoption at global stage | India News

NEW DELHI: As part of global LiFE – lifestyle for climate – movement, India has listed out 75 environment-friendly actions for individuals and appealed to people across the globe to adopt it as their contribution to collectively fight the challenges of climate change.
The country will also showcase LiFE as a theme of the country’s pavilion at 27th session of the UN climate change conference (COP27) in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt from November 6-18.

It’ll be the first global platform where India would pitch for adhering to those enlisted individual actions to sensitise participating nations about objectives of the Mission LiFE since its formal launch at Ekta Nagar, Kevadiya in Gujarat last Thursday. The concept was introduced by Prime Minister Narendra Modi while making the country’s statement during COP26 at Glasgow in November last year.

The move will bring into focus the unsustainable lifestyle of rich nations whose excessive consumption of resources is considered one of the key factors behind high cumulative historical emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) that is responsible for climate change-induced extreme weather events affecting poor and developing countries the most.

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Environment minister Bhupender Yadav, meanwhile, on last Friday urged the group of Like-Minded Developing Countries (LMDC) to join Mission LiFE movement, flagging it as a “pro-people and pro-planet effort” that seeks to shift the world from “mindless and wasteful consumption to mindful and deliberate utilization” of natural resources. India’s neighbours China, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka are among over 20 members of this climate negotiation group.

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Yadav pitched for taking forward the objectives of the Mission LiFE while participating in the virtual ministerial meeting of the LMDC. The meeting was held to prepare a joint strategy for COP27 which is called the “COP of Implementation” (of actions on whatever the countries pledged under the Paris Agreement on climate change).
“The country’s pavilion at COP27 will focus on ‘LiFE’ as a theme the way we had focussed on ‘Yoga’ in a big way during COP21 in Paris in 2015,” said an official in the environment ministry.

The 75 comprehensive and non-exhaustive listed actions for individuals under ‘Mission LiFE’ are related to saving energy, judicious use of water, reduction of single use plastic, sustainable food system, waste reduction, adopting healthy lifestyle and e-waste handling.

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