The NCP’s Pune city unit held an unusual protest on Saturday by organising a “condolence meet” to mark the “passing away” of the Rs 2,000 note. The protest was held in front of the Reserve Bank of India’s College of Agricultural Banking on University Road.
The protest saw NCP workers garlanding Rs 2,000 notes and throwing imitation notes on the road claiming that they had become worthless.
NCP Pune president Prashant Jagtap said, “Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who is often touted as Vishwaguru by his supporters, has again given a jolt to the people of this country. In 2016, he suddenly announced demonetisation and the entire nation stood in bank queues. At that time this Rs 2,000 note was introduced and BJP workers continued to defend the decision till yesterday. Now, with the decision to withdraw the note, all those party workers have gone silent. This move has again underlined that Modi has no understanding of business or economics. His erratic decisions have badly dented India’s image on the world stage.”
NCP spokesperson Pradip Deshmukh said Modi had withdrawn a currency note that sections of media had said was equipped with all the security features to curb the hoarding of black money and terror funding. “People of this country have become wary of his decisions and like this note, his government will be sent packing in 2024,” he said.
Mahesh Hande, Mrunalini Wani, Sushma Satupure were among the NCP leaders who participated in the protest.