Customs sleuths in Karnataka’s Mangaluru International Airport seized gold worth of ₹4 crore in November. The officials said they busted different modus operandi of gold smuggling in all these cases
The Mangaluru Customs department announced, “The Customs officers at MIA seized 7, 692 grams of 24 carat purity gold valued at Rs. 4,01,18,280 during November 1 to November 30 from ten male passengers arriving from Dubai.”
Explaining the ways of smuggling gold into the country, the department further said, “The gold was smuggled through different modus operandi such as concealment in LED bulb, wrist watch, keypad mobile phone, beading of trolley bags, silver coated plates in the motor of cappuccino maker, the the paste/powder form inside the layers of carton box, double layered vest, the underwear and socks worn by the pax and in Rectum.”
Recently in Bengaluru, Customs officials arrested a passenger at Kempegowda International Airport for allegedly smuggling gold inside an iron box, in the form of gold bars. The accused was travelling from Dubai and further investigation is going. The total worth of gold bars is declared as ₹1.6 crore, according to the customs department on Friday.