Members of various pro-Kannada organisations staged a protest on Thursday in Belagavi demanding stern action against students who assaulted another student for allegedly raising Karnataka flag at a college festival. The protesters also raised slogans demanding justice in front of the college where the brawl erupted on Wednesday.
Additional directorate general of police Alok Kumar had already informed that they are investigating the matter and appropriate action will be taken. On his Twitter handle, Kumar wrote, тАЬAppropriate action is being taken against the boys who assaulted the boy dancing holding Kannada flag, last evening in Belagavi. IGP Belagavi is conducting an enquiry regarding this incident.тАЭ
In the video, a group of students were purportedly seen dancing to the DJ music inside the pre-university college and within a few seconds, a student was seen bringing the Karnataka flag and raising it in the crowd. A few students immediately thrashed the student who raised the flag. The video took the internet by storm and many pro-Kannada organisations demanded a probe into the matter.
Meanwhile, speaking to the TV channels, the victim who was assaulted by the students said that police abused him when he visited them to complain about the matter. тАЬSoon after the incident, I went to the police station to file a complaint. I was abused by the police and they asked me to study well instead of involving myself in such things. They also threatened me that my future will be spoiled, If I get involved in such brawls and file a police complaint,тАЭ said the victim. Belagavi police later denied the allegations of the victim.