24 x 7 World News

Important lessons that relationships can teach us


Any relationship teaches us a lot about life, perspectives and emotions. With the feelings and emotions in place, a healthy relationship enables us to explore ourselves and create a healthier space. “In the right relationships, the healthy ones, you will be able to learn about yourself. Through my romantic relationship over the past decade, I’ve found myself learning how I want to be loved, what I can do to love, and my triggers. If the only goal is being/staying in a relationship – then we can’t reflect on the process. The process that can teach oh so many lessons. Let the lessons shine through and let go of the only goal being to keep the relationship. What’s the point of keeping it if you aren’t engaged, intentional, and intertwined in it,” wrote Therapist Divya Robin.

Important lessons that relationships can teach us(Unsplash)

Emotional needs: To understand what we need from the other person to feel emotionally connected, seen and appreciated; we need to evaluate our own emotional needs. A healthy relationship allows us to explore the same.

Triggers: As we are presented with more situations where we may come face to face with the triggers we have, we can understand and become aware of the things that may trigger us. This also helps us to regulate our responses.

Insecurities and fears: Only when we face the insecurities and the fears we have, can we move past them or learn to adapt.

Perspectives: A healthy relationship helps us to see the opinions we have, the perspectives and the pattern of thought we have. We learn to embrace ourselves more.

Out of control: We learn that in life there are many things that are out of our control, and instead of being mad about it, we can embrace it.

How we want to be treated: It helps us to get more clarity on how we want to be treated in a dynamic, and accordingly, we can make some choices.

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