‘I’m Glad My Stories Are a Distraction During Lockdown’ Says Author Ashwath Sezhian

Ashwath Sezhian, 24 is a doctor who graduated from Saveetha Medical College in 2020. The British Indian author has written two books. Latest of which is ‘When Varun met Meera’, which became number one on Amazon.

Sezhian portrayed the relationship between two young lovers. The immaturity and hope that ran between the protagonists, resonated with the readers and struck a chord deep within their hearts.

However, most of his audience know him through his Instagram profile which Sezhian has been writing on since 2018. He first began writing hundreds of quotes and haikus on plain black and white backgrounds, but for the past year, he’s switched his game to writing short stories.

We reached out to Sezhian over his Instagram to ask a few questions, and luckily we got a response. Sezhian told us that he made the shift from quotes to short stories because he felt he wasn’t writing anything interesting enough.

He started writing stories in the lockdown of last year and uploaded them on Instagram. The photo sharing app allows ten slides on a post and Sezhian makes the most of it. Each story is packed with its own set of emotions, of heartaches and horrors.

He says, “I wanted to do something different on the platform, instead of just writing quotes. So early last year, I made the shift from quotes to more detailed stories. I’ve written more than a hundred short stories on the platform, and try to come up with new stories every week.”

Sezhian has artfully explored the genres of horror and thriller in his short stories and dominates in the romantic genre on Instagram as well. His second book is a testament to that.

His short stories grip the readers and many are compelled to read all the slides and leave comments – a feat in an era where people scroll past 60 second videos because they are “too long”.

‘My stories aren’t necessarily a feel good kind of vibe, but I’ve been told they’re a welcome distraction during lockdown and I’m glad they are.’

The stories we loved the most were the ‘Unforgettables’ and ‘Devil’s trilogy’. Both stories deal with losing a loved one, and healing through the grief. Most of his stories carry a mature edge, and involve a fair degree of darkness and some border the lines of sci-fi as well.

The first book that Sezhian put out – An Affliction of Orchids, was also a mature thriller. When we asked for a comment on upcoming projects, Sezhian said he has no plans for now and was focused on his exams instead.

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