Dubai turned into a carnival of energy and excitement as Shahid Kapoor and Pooja Hegde set the stage ablaze at the grand opening ceremony of ILT20 2025. The dynamic duo thrilled audiences with their electrifying moves on the chart-topping track ‘Bhasad Macha,’ a song that has become an instant internet sensation thanks to its pulsating beats and captivating choreography.
The night’s most talked-about moment was Shahid Kapoor’s dramatic entrance, exuding charisma and unmatched energy. As the beats of ‘Bhasad Macha’ filled the air, Shahid and Pooja launched into the hook step that has taken social media by storm. Pooja’s elegance and vibrant expressions perfectly complemented Shahid’s powerful moves, creating a performance that left fans cheering and grooving along.
Videos of the event shared by Shahid Kapoor on his social media platforms captured the infectious energy of the evening and the electric chemistry between the stars. The performance not only showcased their dance prowess but also boosted the buzz around their upcoming film ‘Deva,’ adding to the anticipation among fans. Have a look:
Directed by renowned Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews and produced by Zee Studios in collaboration with Roy Kapur Films, ‘Deva’ is an action-packed thriller promising high-octane drama and gripping twists. The film is set to hit theaters on January 31, 2025, making it one of the most awaited releases of the year.