Abhay Singh, known as ‘IIT Baba,’ has sparked a major controversy after making derogatory remarks about Goddess Kali. A video of Singh, in which he made highly insensitive and blasphemous comments, has gone viral, drawing widespread criticism across social media. In the video, Singh is heard saying, “Kali ke saath sex karenge aaj,” which has enraged people, especially devotees of Hinduism. Priyanka Chaturvedi, a prominent political figure, took to Twitter to condemn Singh’s remarks, urging Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath to intervene and take immediate action. Chaturvedi shared her concerns with her followers, stating that the comments were “disgraceful and disgusting” and called for accountability. She expressed that such behaviour should not be tolerated by any devotee, adding that even the Juna Akhara, a prominent Hindu sect, had distanced itself from Singh. ‘Mahadev Ne Bola Tu Hi Vishnu Hai’: New Video of ‘IIT Baba’ Aka Abhay Singh, Who Shot to Fame at Maha Kumbh, Goes Viral Amid His Expulsion From Juna Akhada.
‘IIT Baba’ Abhay Singh Accused of Making Derogatory Remarks About Goddess Kali
The Viral IITian Baba crossed all his limits and abused Maa Kali. He said, “Kali ke saath sex karenge aaj.”
He has hit a new low. Don’t forget this motherfu**er baba is BJP supporter’s new idol these days. #IITianBaba #IITBaba pic.twitter.com/rENQNyUUaa
— Saradsree Ghosh (@TheSavvySapien) January 21, 2025
Priyanka Chaturvedi Urges CM Yogi Adityanath To Take Action
Requesting the @UPGovt and @Uppolice to
step in and take action, first this IIT baba called himself Lord Vishnu and now making blasphemous comments on Ma Kali, it won’t be tolerated by any sanatani, even the juna akhara has distanced themselves from him.
— Priyanka Chaturvedi🇮🇳 (@priyankac19) January 21, 2025
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