24 x 7 World News

How women can activate their Sacral Chakra | Astrology


Are you a woman who often feels a deep di-connect to her body? Do you fear your periods? Does intimacy make you cringe? Are you fearful of commitment? Scared to express yourself? Are body-issues plaguing you?

Then let me break it to you. Your Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra is out of balance! Do not freak out. It is not abnormal to have chakras out of balance. Working as a Healer for the last two and a half decades, I can assure you that most of us have imbalances in our chakras.

If this was like 2001, then I might have expected to hear – well, what is a chakra? But not now. We all know what they connote!

The sacral chakra is the second chakra, right above the Muladhara or root chakra. It is roughly the area under your navel and is the seat of the womb. Even for men, they have wombs in the etheric realms.

For us all, male and female were once a part of an androgynous being. Therefore, males have female sexual organs and vice versa. So even if you do not have a physical womb, you have a subtle-body or etheric womb.

Feelings, sensations, emotions are experienced by this chakra. Pleasure, sensuality, intimacy, connection, orgasms are all felt here.

You know when you get turned on, how your body reacts is also felt here. When you purge something from your life, this subtle vibratory force allows for that to happen. If you are an energy practitioner, then you know this feeling. When we begin to get into new asanas, our bodies often hurt, but underlying all that pain, there is transformation.

The sacral chakra makes you feel this transformation and all your body undergoes. If you are connected to this energy, you will have greater control over your body. Your hormones will be in balance, you will be light on your feet and creative, blissful.

Excessive weight gain, uterine/ prostate problems, impotence, sexual dysfunction and many more issues occur when we are not balanced in the second chakra. Cultivating the energy here would make you MINDFUL. In fact a lot of mindfulness programs are designed to trigger the sacral chakras creative response.

Now you ask me…what on earth did I do to get the chakra out of balance? How could I have prevented this catastrophe from happening? Relax…it is not your fault! Not one bit. See how society has created this dichotomy around sex.

On one hand it is the very fundamental fulcrum of society and on the other it is maligned and repressed! How did this happen?

How can we recover from this juggernaut? This duality that the mind has perceived that society has managed to ingrain has resulted in blocking and unbalancing the sacral chakra.

Sex is a very normal process during life as a human. So why such extremes? Sacral chakra imbalance! There is no appreciation of emotionality, no applause for passionate endeavours (unless it makes a lot of money and becomes a pop culture fad), no reaction to pain and suffering…none.

We are like hollow people. Living life like an automaton. Never feeling things deeply, never letting emotions take control. I mean how can that even be? Losing control is dangerous and you can be incarcerated for defiant acts that don’t agree with the system.

Look at society…since I began to consult with people for astro, tarot and psychic readings, I can tell you that about seventy percent of people want to know about their love life. That is the primary question. Yes over money. This also applies to the other gender. All they want to know is when and how they will meet her, or is she the one, or when will we get married…blah blah…

Most issues are sacral chakra based. Divorce, rape, infertility, misogyny, the rape culture, hyper sexualization of children all result from sacral chakra excesses and imbalances or blockages. Deep sexual trauma can be healed when we bring balance to this chakra and often many women have had children but were declared infertile by the doctors.

So how can we activate the energy of the sacral chakra?

1. Connect the WILD WOMAN ARCHETYPE inside yourself to the wild energy of Mother Earth!

Go into the forest. Take off those shoes. Go with your soul tribe, your woman gang. Do whatever that makes you feel a deeper level of connection to her. Be mindful, be aware. Speak to the earth and ask her to fill you with her wild and creative feminine energy. Feel the transmission of energy creeping through your feet and working its way through your whole body. The energy goes all the way to the sahasrara or crown chakra and then bring that energy back to the sacral chakra and let it be there. Then bring that energy in a ball right outside the chakra. Let it sit there. Feel your consciousness there. Hovering right in front of your sacral chakra. This, if done properly can really feel very powerful. Warmth usually spreads across my whole body. It feels a magnetic pull to Earth and throbs with pleasure! End this meditation with a wild dance. Let your body dissolve into the music. Become the music and drop your sense of identity.

2. Beach please!

Seriously, just head to the beach if possible. Strip down to your bare skin(if you want to), run to the water and let your body go into the embrace of the waves. Let your body melt into the water. Don’t swim or do anything forcefully. Let the water guide you. Be mindful of the hissing of the seas, the salty taste, and the smell that lingers…be aware of everything that you can. If you wish to concentrate on one sensation, do so without a single thought. Follow your breath and let your awareness dance around in the waves in front of you, crashing into you. Try to become one with the waves, let your ego construct float away. Forget who you are, just know you are as eternal as the seas of deep space! If you can’t, dip into a tub after you’ve chucked some EPSOM salt in. Or get a pedicure and manicure at the very least!

3. Do something pretty!

I know many planets are retro and Astrologers tell us not to do any major beauty procedures till they all go direct, right? If you subscribe to that view, then that’s rad! Don’t do anything hardcore. But you can always start by taking the yoga class because at the end of it all, yoga will “prettify” you like no makeup can! Don’t believe me? Try it! Also remember to see beauty in whatever you can. But don’t buy the whole shop and tell me look, you asked us to see the beauty in everything!!?!! lol! What I mean is- look at the cuppa coffee you ordered. Isn’t it beautiful? The aroma? The color? The presentation? Appreciate it and whatever else catches your fancy. Like the stars above, the dark night, a light breeze, the purple clouds right after sunset! Just find your thing and fall in love. Keep in mind, try not to propose marriage during a retrograde season because you might feel differently later on. So hold your horses with long term commitments. But then again, if it feels right to you, go ahead. Even if it turns out to be a mistake, it was always your mistake to make. Everything is a potential teacher and a mistake teaches us a lot. About life, about love…so I hate to label times as auspicious and inauspicious…because I accept things to be beautiful as they are!

Nothing energizes the sacral chakra as acceptance! Acceptance of who you are, as a person, as a woman! Embrace it woman! To be a woman is special.

So get working on those sacral chakra portals to activate them to take you to a more 5D awareness of love and sex. Oh and of course this energy helps you manifest your twinflame. But that is again, another discussion…

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