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How to deal with toy snatching: Psychologist offers tips


Being a parent to two kids or more comes with its own set of challenges – while we try to provide the best for them in every step and letting them know that they are equally loved, there can be multiple situations where they may feel that they are overshadowed by the other sibling. However, such situations can be tackled tactfully and the way we deal with them ensures that they feel they are preferred equally by their parent.

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Sibling rivalry in an old age is extremely common. One of the most common situations faced by parents in dealing with young kids is when one of their toys are snatched by the other one – this further leads to crying, fighting and a sense of enmity. Dr. Jazmine McCoy, Psychologist, addressed the issue of toy snatching and how to deal with the situation tactfully on her recent post on Instagram. She explained scenarios and steps to handle them.

Narrate: When you witness a situation where one of the kid’s toys are snatched by the other one, address it openly by saying that this is the situation.

Label: Naturally when the kid turns sad because of his/her toy being snatched, label the problem by saying that it is causing sadness.

Solve: Throw an open question among the siblings on what to do in the situation and make it better.

Offer solutions: Offer solutions such as the toy can be given back, or asked in a gentle manner or they both can play with the toy together.

Step in: As the last resort, involve yourself in the situation and ask them to give back the toy and wait for them to be done so that they can play with the toy after them.

Prompt: Ask them to communicate with the other sibling ask for the toy gently and wait for them to give it.

Come in between: In case you are involved in the game, come in between and stop them from taking the toy and say that you cannot let this happen as they are still playing with the toy.

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