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How relationship trauma can create commitment issues


Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

  • A bad relationship can affect a person mentally in more ways than one. It can also impact their future relationships.

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Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

The trauma of an unhealthy relationship can lead to fear of commitment in the upcoming relationships for a person. It can stem out of the trauma of having one unhealthy and unsafe relationship.(Unsplash)

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Development of negative beliefs: Relationship trauma can create negative beliefs about oneself, relationships, and commitment. For example, a person who experienced trauma in a past relationship may believe that they are unlovable or unworthy of a committed relationship. These negative beliefs can make it difficult for them to fully commit to a new relationship.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

Development of negative beliefs: Relationship trauma can create negative beliefs about oneself, relationships, and commitment. For example, a person who experienced trauma in a past relationship may believe that they are unlovable or unworthy of a committed relationship. These negative beliefs can make it difficult for them to fully commit to a new relationship.(Unsplash)

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Fear of vulnerability: Relationship trauma can also create a fear of vulnerability. People who have experienced trauma may be hesitant to open up and share their thoughts and feelings with a partner. This fear of vulnerability can prevent them from fully committing to a relationship because they may feel that it exposes them to the risk of being hurt again.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

Fear of vulnerability: Relationship trauma can also create a fear of vulnerability. People who have experienced trauma may be hesitant to open up and share their thoughts and feelings with a partner. This fear of vulnerability can prevent them from fully committing to a relationship because they may feel that it exposes them to the risk of being hurt again.(Unsplash)

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Avoidance of intimacy: Trauma can also lead to an avoidance of intimacy. People who have experienced trauma may have difficulty trusting others and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. This can result in an avoidance of physical and emotional intimacy, making it difficult for them to fully commit to a relationship.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

Avoidance of intimacy: Trauma can also lead to an avoidance of intimacy. People who have experienced trauma may have difficulty trusting others and allowing themselves to be vulnerable. This can result in an avoidance of physical and emotional intimacy, making it difficult for them to fully commit to a relationship.(Unsplash)

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Hypervigilance: Trauma can also lead to hypervigilance, where a person is constantly on guard for potential threats or dangers. This can make it difficult for them to relax and fully engage in a relationship. They may be constantly looking for signs of danger or warning signs that the relationship is not safe.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

Hypervigilance: Trauma can also lead to hypervigilance, where a person is constantly on guard for potential threats or dangers. This can make it difficult for them to relax and fully engage in a relationship. They may be constantly looking for signs of danger or warning signs that the relationship is not safe.(Unsplash)

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Sabotaging behaviors: Finally, relationship trauma can lead to sabotaging behaviors. A person who is afraid of commitment may engage in behaviors that push their partner away, such as picking fights or avoiding communication. These behaviors can make it difficult for the relationship to progress and can prevent them from fully committing.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Published on Apr 06, 2023 11:56 AM IST

Sabotaging behaviors: Finally, relationship trauma can lead to sabotaging behaviors. A person who is afraid of commitment may engage in behaviors that push their partner away, such as picking fights or avoiding communication. These behaviors can make it difficult for the relationship to progress and can prevent them from fully committing.(Unsplash)


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