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How being a people pleaser can harm you


Updated On Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

  • Being a people pleaser can harm you in several ways. Here are five common ones.

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Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Being a people pleaser comes from the long trauma of not being appreciated enough. However, this can lead to several problems in life. Here are a few ways by which your mental health can be harmed.(Unsplash)

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Loss of Personal Boundaries: People pleasers often have a difficult time setting and maintaining personal boundaries, which can lead to overextending oneself or allowing others to take advantage of them.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Loss of Personal Boundaries: People pleasers often have a difficult time setting and maintaining personal boundaries, which can lead to overextending oneself or allowing others to take advantage of them.(Unsplash)

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Neglect of Personal Needs: When you prioritize other people's needs above your own, you may neglect your own needs and desires, leading to feelings of resentment, burnout, or even depression.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Neglect of Personal Needs: When you prioritize other people’s needs above your own, you may neglect your own needs and desires, leading to feelings of resentment, burnout, or even depression.(Unsplash)

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Lack of Authenticity: People pleasers may struggle with being authentic and expressing their true thoughts and feelings, as they fear it may upset or disappoint others. This can lead to a sense of disconnect from oneself and others.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Lack of Authenticity: People pleasers may struggle with being authentic and expressing their true thoughts and feelings, as they fear it may upset or disappoint others. This can lead to a sense of disconnect from oneself and others.(Unsplash)

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Decreased Self-Esteem: When your self-worth is tied to making others happy, you may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem when you cannot meet others' expectations or when they are unhappy with you.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Decreased Self-Esteem: When your self-worth is tied to making others happy, you may struggle with feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem when you cannot meet others’ expectations or when they are unhappy with you.(Unsplash)

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Difficulty with Conflict Resolution: People pleasers may struggle with conflict resolution as they may avoid confrontation or have difficulty expressing their opinions or standing up for themselves, leading to unresolved conflicts or feelings of resentment.(Unsplash)View Photos in a new improved layout

Updated on Mar 31, 2023 02:35 PM IST

Difficulty with Conflict Resolution: People pleasers may struggle with conflict resolution as they may avoid confrontation or have difficulty expressing their opinions or standing up for themselves, leading to unresolved conflicts or feelings of resentment.(Unsplash)


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