One of Bollywood’s most loved trios, Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal, has won our hearts with their collaboration in multiple comedy classics, including Hera Pheri (2000), Deewane Huye Paagal (2005), Awara Paagal Deewana (2002), De Dana Dan (2009) and Phir Hera Pheri (2006) among others. Now, after two successful outings of the iconic Hera Pheri franchise, the trio are returning for a grand collaboration in Hera Pheri 3. Now, amidst the rumours of the upcoming film, the trio were spotted at the Mumbai airport, leaving fans curious. ‘Bhagam Bhag 2’: Akshay Kumar, Paresh Rawal and Govinda To Reunite for a Sequel to Their Iconic Comedy Film?.
‘Hera Pheri 3’ Trio Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal Spotted at the Airport
While the announcement of Hera Pheri 3 was made nearly three years ago, there were no official follow up updates to it. Now, in several videos going viral on the internet, Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal were spotted at the Mumbai airport on Monday, November 11. For their outing, Khiladi Kumar looked dashing in a black shirt and grey pants, while Suniel Shetty rocked in a white shirt and matching pants. Babu Bhaiyaa, aka Paresh Rawal, was seen in a white shirt and blue jeans. Paps could be heard screaming “Babu bhaiyaa” as the trio posed for a photo together. Hera Pheri 3: Check Out the First Picture of Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal From Their Upcoming Film Promo Shoot!.
Akshay Kumar, Suniel Shetty and Paresh Rawal at Mumbai Airport
The Hera Pheri franchise consists of two films: Priyadarshan’s Hera Pheri and Neeraj Vora’s Phir Hera Pheri. Both films have gained cult status over the years, and fans have been eagerly waiting for the beloved comedy franchise’s third instalment. Producer Firoz Nadiadwala renowned the rights to the film following a settlement with Eros International. While there are no official updates regarding the movie as of now, it has been reported that Firoz Nadiadwala will be meeting with the Hera Pheri 3 cast in the coming weeks to discuss the upcoming instalment. Are you excited? Because we definitely are!
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Nov 11, 2024 07:10 PM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website