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Health Resolutions for 2023: From a Manageable Diet to Defining Goals, 5 New Year’s Resolutions You Can Actually Keep Up With!


It is that time of the year again when gym memberships skyrocket, sales of “activewear” see a sudden surge, and people collectively vow to be healthier in the coming year. New Year 2023 is almost here. And as we enter the New Year, fully prepared for the first week of motivational quotes and fitness goals and the second week of New Year resolution jokes and memes, maybe there is something you can do to stir things around this year. Yes, what if you could make health resolutions that you can sustain further than the first week of January? Well, here’s a little push to get you started. Here’s a list of 5 health resolutions for New Year 2023 that you can actually keep up with! Origin of New Year’s Resolutions: Know All About History and Stories of the First Accounts of Resolutions Made for the Coming Year.

Walk A Minute

According to a report in a leading news daily, a reporter could finally get back to running by following this simple resolution — to walk for a minute. The idea is simple. Every day, you put on the pretty active wear that you invested all your money on, don the running/walking shoes that are catching dust in the corner and head out of your house with a simple goal  — to walk for a minute  — every day, consistently. Once the habit of switching to workout clothes and actually stepping out to work out settles in, many people notice that both the timing of their workout and the intensity increase considerably. How? Because they made small promises that do not overwhelm their brains and therefore seem achievable. So in 2023, promise to walk for a minute and see where it goes! New Year Resolution 2023 Ideas: From 5-Minute Journaling to Time Off Screens, 5 Mindful Resolutions for a Happy and Enjoyable New Year.

Manageable Diet

How many times have you promised to steer away from fried food, carbs, sugar, and everything your heart craves? And how often have you fallen right back into your old habits? The biggest challenge of following a healthy diet is to make it manageable. So instead of swinging between the extremes of only eating salads and drinking smoothies or binging on cheeseburgers and soda, find the middle and stick to it. Create a diet which uses healthier alternatives. Switch to shallow-fried veggie cutlets instead of deep-fried vegetable fritters, the healthier peanut butter instead of your favourite chocolate spread, and add more veggies to your carb-friendly diet instead of completely eliminating carbs. Not only are these changes much easier to do, but they will also be kinder to your body. 

Leave Cheat Meals in 2022

The idea of cheat meals has been popular in the fitness community for a very long time. However, the reality is that “cheat” is never associated with anything good in your mind. So the best way to have a healthy relationship with food (which is crucial for a healthier relationship with yourself in the long run) is to bid adieu to the idea of cheat meals. Focus on creating your manageable diet, and give yourself room to satiate your cravings from time to time without associating them with cheating. And voila, you may have a diet that you can sustain over the year, and also, your cravings may automatically become healthier. (PS – using this as a trick to only survive on deep-fried or unhealthy food day in and day out will not benefit anyone, though).

Learning Skills Instead of Losing Weight

How many times has your resolution been to lose 20 kgs? What if instead of fixating on the number you want to shed, you focused on other aspects of health? Make 2023 the year you learn new skills or perfect the ones you have started already. Love walking? Focus on participating in walkathons and other events to help sharpen your skills. Always wanted to learn weightlifting? Enrol with a trainer and focus on learning the right way to weightlift. Focusing on the activity instead of the end goal is the key to making working out or being active a part of your everyday schedule. 

Define Goals

Speaking of the end goal, it is always nice to define goals. And we do not mean in terms of your ideal clothing size or the weighing scale number you want to achieve. Focus on defining goals like walking 10K steps daily, deadlifting 150 kgs, climbing 15 floors without feeling like someone knocked the wind out of your lungs, etc. Having small and achievable defined goals to begin the year and then adding or revising these goals as you progress will help you to stay on track longer. 

And in addition to all this, it is crucial to understand that while you do all this to focus on the well-being of your physical health, it is also important to indulge in activities that help the growth of your mental health. Here’s hoping 2023 helps you tap into your potential and be healthy — physically, mentally and spiritually!

(This article is written for an informative purpose and should not be substituted for medical advice. Kindly consult your doctor before trying any tips.)

(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Dec 29, 2022 10:55 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website todaynews24.top).

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