Senior Karnataka leader DK Shivakumar slammed the Karnataka Director-General of Police (DGP) Praveen Sood for allegedly favoring the ruling BJP government in the state. The Karnataka Pradesh Congress Committee (KPCC) president even called the DGP ‘Nalayak’ and said that the Congress will take a strict action against him, after coming to power.
Speaking to reporters, DK Shivakumar said, “Our DGP is one Nalayak(useless) and he is not fit for his job. He has been in service for the last three years and how many more days will he continue to be BJP’s worker? He has registered around 25 cases on Congress leaders and not even a single case of BJP leaders in the state. We have also written to the Election Commission about his duty and conduct.”
DK Shivakumar also said that the Congress will take strict action after coming to power. “In upcoming assembly elections, the Congress will come to power, and the action will be serious against the DGP. A case must be filed against him for not doing his duty in a proper way,” added DK Shivakumar.
He also said that the Congress will win at least 150 seats out of 224 in the upcoming assembly elections. The assembly elections in Karnataka are likely to be held in April or May.