Chandigarh, March 7: Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Tuesday said that as part of a campaign launched by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to make India tuberculosis-free by 2025, Haryana has set a target to become the first state in the country to be free of the disease. “To achieve this goal, a state task force will be formed, under which government and private sector medical institutes and doctors will work together to make Haryana TB-free,” Khattar said at a meeting with officers of the health department and private medical institutions held here.
He directed the officials to integrate data of all the private clinics and nursing homes treating TB patients by establishing coordination with them so that real-time data of all such patients in the state is available and timely treatment can be ensured. Khattar also issued directions to deploy mobile units in each district to detect TB patients. The chief minister said various initiatives are being taken to make Haryana TB-free. Efforts are being made to detect TB patients timely, ensure their treatment and provide them nutritious food during the treatment period of six months, he said, according to an official statement. Haryana Budget 2023-24: CM Manohar Lal Proposes Rs 1.83 Lakh Crore Annual Budget for FY-2024; Says, ‘No Fresh Tax Will Be Imposed’.
Khattar also directed the officers to increase the number of Interferon Gamma Release Assay (IGRA) labs in the state. IGRA test is a blood test used to ascertain whether a person has been exposed to the tuberculosis bacteria. Chairman and managing director of Medanta Hospital Dr Naresh Trehan, who attended the meeting virtually, informed that the medical facility was working closely with the health department to eradicate TB.
On behalf of Medanta, six mobile vans equipped with digital X-ray and CB net machines were going to the districts to conduct health checkups. In the coming days, the number of these vans will be increased, he said, according to the statement. The chief minister said the state government has launched the Nirogi Haryana scheme, under which health checkup is being done in the first phase for families with an annual income of up to Rs 1.80 lakh. So far, medical health checkups of two lakh people have been undertaken. Special Allowance for Employees As Per Geographical Location, Says Haryana CM Manohar Lal in State Assembly.
During these checkups, many TB patients have also been diagnosed. Therefore, special focus should be given to the speedy implementation of Nirogi Haryana Yojana at the grassroots level along with its implementation in the cities as well, Khattar said.