24 x 7 World News

‘Hallowed space’: Divers pull 275 artifacts from 2022 excavation of Franklin ship


Eleven metres below the surface of the Northwest Passage, deep within the wreck of one of Capt. John Franklin’s doomed ships,┬аsomething caught the eye of diver Ryan Harris.

Harris was in the middle of the 2022 field season on the wreck of┬аHMS Erebus. The team had been hauling dozens of artifacts to the┬аsurface тАФ┬аelaborate table settings, a lieutenant’s epaulets still┬аin their case, a lens from someone’s eyeglasses.

But this, sitting within the steward’s pantry, was something┬аelse.

“It’s probably the most remarkable find of the summer,” said┬аHarris, one of the Parks Canada team of archaeologist divers who┬аhave been excavating Franklin’s two lost ships since they were found┬аunder the Arctic seas.

“We came across a folio тАФ a leather book cover, beautifully┬аembossed тАФ with pages inside. It actually has the feather quill pen┬аstill tucked inside the cover like a journal that you might write in┬аand put on your bedside table before turning in.”

Maybe it’s just an inventory of stores or someone’s laundry list. It was found in the pantry. Or maybe it’s more.┬а

“We’re quite excited at the tantalizing possibility that this┬аartifact might have written materials inside,” Harris said. “It’s being analyzed in the lab now.”

Parks Canada tents and gear are shown at the HMS Erebus ice camp in the Northwest Passage in April. (Thierry Boyer/Parks Canada via CP)

Erebus and HMS Terror set out from England in 1845. Commander Sir┬аJohn Franklin and his 129 men never returned.

More than 30 expeditions tried to find them. A few artifacts,┬аgraves and ghastly tales of cannibalism is all they uncovered.

But with a blend of Inuit oral history and systematic, high-tech┬аsurveys, Erebus was found in 2014, just off the northwest coast of┬аKing William Island in Nunavut and Terror two years later. The┬аdiscoveries made headlines around the world.

56 dives in 11 days

Since then, Parks Canada has been working to understand what is┬аdown there and what light it could shed on a story that has become┬аpart of Canadian lore.

Divers didn’t visit Terror in 2022. That vessel, down twice as┬аdeep as Erebus, is deemed more secure and the archaeologists wanted to excavate the more vulnerable wreck first.

Three men in a domed tent, lots of technical equipment, a square of blue water.
Parks Canada archaeologists sit at the dive control console as the Deep Trekker ROV is seen in the diving hole at the HMS Erebus ice camp in the Northwest Passage in April. (Aimie Neron/Parks Canada via CP)

After two seasons lost because of the COVID-19 pandemic, it was a┬аbusy summer.

Field seasons in the Arctic are brief. The divers and┬аconservators had just 11 days moored over the site of the wreck with their tender barge and the RV David Thompson, Parks Canada’s┬а29-metre research ship.

But over that time the team squeezed in 56 dives. Each dive┬аlasted about two hours тАФ possible only because the divers used┬аsuits heated by warm water pumped from the surface.

Harris said the ship seems to have been left in good order. Doors┬аand drawers were closed, everything squared away.

A total of 275 artifacts were recovered. The steward’s pantry was┬аa main focus of the summer and much of what was recovered from there┬аis tableware тАФ stoneware plates, platters and serving dishes.

Painstaking work

The divers also began excavating the officers’ cabins. In the one┬аthat would have been occupied by 2nd Lt. Henry Thomas Dundas le┬аVesconte, whom Franklin charged with map-making, they found a green┬аbox that at first looked like a book.

“My partner and I realized that it’s not a book at all,” Harris┬аsaid. “It’s actually a set of drafting implements тАФ the┬аprofessional tools of the trade for a ship’s officer. It’s quite┬аpossible these are the tools used to map their way through the┬аNorthwest Passage, which I think is fantastic.”

Diver in red suit, blue water, floating atop plant covered boards.
Jonathan Moore, a Parks Canada underwater archaeologist, observes a washing basin and an officer’s bedplace on the lower deck of the wreck of the HMS Erebus in September of 2022. (Marc-Andre Bernier/Parks Canada via CP)

Divers use a vacuum dredge to clear away much of the accumulated┬аsediment.

The work, however, remains slow, painstaking and delicate. The┬аleather folio was excavated bit by bit with a spoon.

On one dive, Harris was handling the dredge when he suddenly┬аstopped.

“I started to see what looked like a piece of paper almost┬аfluttering in the movements of the water. This is very, very

That paper surfaced in a Ziploc bag and is now being analyzed.┬а

There are years of work to do, Harris said. Divers have only┬аpoked their masks into a few square metres of a wreck 36 metres┬аlong, nine metres wide and five metres deep.

‘A remarkable thing to experience’

Much remains in the officers’ cabins. The sailors’ chests, which┬аheld their personal belongings, are still mysterious. Divers haven’t┬аeven entered the bottom deck. And then there’s Terror.

“There’s so much material in either of these ships,” Harris┬аsaid.

HMS Erebus and HMS Terror, shown in the Illustrated London News published on May 24, 1845, left England that year under the command of Sir John Franklin and in the search of the Northwest Passage. (Illustrated London News/Getty Images)

Retrieving it from the icy deeps is only part of the job. The┬аartifacts have to be conserved, studied and analyzed at Parks Canada’s lab in Ottawa, where this summer’s haul now sits.

Harris has dived to the wreck many times and acknowledges he gets┬аfocused on the task at hand. Nothing, after all, will ever match his┬аfirst sight of Erebus.

“I couldn’t see where the wreck was because the visibility was┬аpoor,” he recalled. “I had to pick a direction and go, and then I┬аsaw the first plank lying on the sea floor.

“I followed it hand over hand until all of a sudden, out of the┬аgloom, there it looms. It’s towering overtop of you, the shadow of┬аthis enormous bulk of shipwreck lying proud on the sea floor.”

But the thrill never entirely fades.┬а

“You’re taken with this feeling that you’re in this hallowed┬аspace. Not just in view of the history, but because here’s where human beings were confronted with their own mortality. It’s a┬аremarkable thing to experience.”

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