Actors Maanvi Gagroo and Karan Wahi will be seen sharing screen space in the upcoming show Half Love, Half Arranged, a captivating and unique love story The makers announced the commencement of the shooting of the show. The series boasts of a stellar ensemble cast including Maanvi, Karan, Pulkit Makol, Shruti Jolly, Supriya Shukla, Grusha Kapoor, Amit Singh Thakur, Bhavya Grover, and Kashish Saluja. Karan Wahi Shares New Look of Aditya Singh and Ginni Grewal From ‘Channa Mereya’ on Insta, Ex-Girlfriend Uditi Singh Comments (View Pic).
Maanvi said: “Super excited to be starting my next project with Dice Media. Have been a fan of their work in the past so naturally, I’m really looking forward to this. The show boasts a pretty stellar cast with a mix of senior actors and fresh faces.” “The script is very funny with very subtle messaging. The director, Simarpreet’s take on the show is extremely fresh and I can’t wait to bring this series to you!” she added.
Karan said: “I have come really close to working with Dice Media previously but for some or the other reasons it never worked out, I am glad it has worked out this time. Shooting this project is going to be such a thrilling experience! It’s a hilarious and relatable series that the audience will absolutely adore. Working alongside Maanvi and Simarpreet is going to be a thrilling experience as I am certain they have a lot to offer.” TVF Aspirants Season 2: Sunny Hinduja Wraps Up Shooting for Upcoming Season, Calls it a ‘Fun and Memorable Journey’.
Half Love, Half Arranged is a romedy series that will be directed by Simarpreet Singh and will stream on Amazon miniTV post-completion.