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Haircare tips: Here’s what you should know pre and post-hair transplant surgery | Fashion Trends


With the advancement in all the cosmetology procedures, hair transplant is also gearing up. It is a minimally invasive surgery but it should be always performed by a medical/professional surgeon.

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr BL Jangid, Dermatologist and Hair Transplant Surgeon at SkinQure Clinic in New Delhi’s Saket, revealed, “As per the NMC guidelines only a medical practitioner i.e. a Dermatologist or Plastic Surgeon can perform hair transplant procedure, not any assistant or technician. This was very much required due to the safety concerns of the patients.”

He insisted, “An experienced and professional surgeon has the right skills, knowledge and precision to achieve good results with a natural hairline. Moreover, it is very important for the patients to know that Hair Transplant Procedure requires complete planning and pre and post-surgery care. So choose, both the medical practitioner and the clinic wisely.”

Pre-hair transplant:

Talking about things to do pre-hair transplant, he said that every stage requires care for optimal results and the better you care, the better will be the outcome. He suggested say ‘yes’ to:

1. Preparing yourself mentally and physically – Talk to your doctor regarding any fear or doubt you might be having so that you feel relaxed. If you suffer from any medical condition such as diabetes, hypertension, thyroid, anxiety, etc take proper medication prescribed by your physician so that the problem is completely treated/ cured before the surgery. Additionally, keep yourself physically fit to avoid any complications during the procedure.

2. Taking medications prescribed by your doctor – Antibiotics, anti-allergic, and anti-anxiety can be prescribed by doctor. Take your medicines as said.

3. Shortening of hair and beard – This will lower the chance of infection post-surgery.

He recommended saying ‘no’ to:

1. Physical burnout or supplements – Strenuous physical activities like gymming, swimming, etc should be stopped ideally before two weeks. Mild activity such as walking is recommended. Supplements if you are on any should be stopped two weeks prior.

2. Smoking or drinking – Call it quits ideally before two weeks.

3. Blood thinners or painkillers – In case you are taking any Painkillers or medications, it should be ideally stopped before a week. Make sure you inform the doctor about all your medications in advance so that he/ she can guide you on it.

4. Medication for scalp or hair loss – If you are taking any medicines for hair loss, it needs to be stopped ideally two weeks before.

5. Oily or highly processed food – Have regular healthy meals and avoid junk or oily food.

According to Dr Vanita Mathew, Dermatologist at Apollo Hospitals on Bannerghatta Road in Bangalore, hair transplant surgeries are normally safe and is performed by an experienced dermatologist or plastic surgeon but still most of the time the results vary depending upon the reactions or the healing abilities and the outcome is actually not very predictable. She said, “As in any surgical procedure for that matter, infections are also very much a part of it so there might be excessive bleeding, scar formation, etc. Then the most important thing is that the actual growth takes place, so sometimes the skin around that area dies and sometimes surgery might have to be repeated.”

She added, “It is very important to understand all the pros and cons properly so that you are mentally and physically prepared for it. It’s also important to understand that it’s an expensive procedure and it really requires somebody with good expertise and experience who has given better results.”

Post-hair transplant:

Dr Jangid listed down few things to keep in mind post-surgery and suggested saying ‘yes’ to –

1. Rest – After the surgery, rest for a good 6-7 days. This will lower the chance of infection and speed up the healing process.

2. Wearing the head cap suggested by doctor – It will keep dust off your scalp

3. Spraying saline every two hours – Spraying saline during the daytime, every two hours will prevent the recipient area from drying out

4. Sleep straight – Use a round pillow while sleeping. It is important that you sleep with your head elevated for the first 5-6 days after the procedure and make sure that the recipient area doesn’t touch any surface. Remove your cap and use a round pillow or fold a towel and place it at the back of your neck. Since you have to sleep straight, you can keep pillows on each side.

5. Simple diet – Have regular healthy and light meals for at least a week.

6. Following your prescription – Take the medicines on time and as prescribed by your medical practitioner.

7. Follow-up with your doctor – Be under your doctor’s supervision and do regular follow-ups as per the timeframe suggested. In case any allergy occurs inform your doctor immediately.

He recommended saying ‘no’ to:

1. Any physical touch on the recipient area – Any physical touch should be avoided as it will hamper hair growth. Use a round neck pillow to give a lift to your head while sleeping and sleep in a straight position for one week.

2. Bath – Use a wet towel to clean your body for one week after the surgery.

3. Strenuous physical activity – Swimming or gymming should not be carried out for two weeks post-surgery.

4. Bandage removal – Your doctor will change the dressing after 48 hours and will recommend how long you have to keep it after analyzing your healing process.

Dr Vanita advised, “It is very essential for patients to take good care of their newly transplanted hair for a better outcome. Since the newly implanted hair grafts are fragile and need aftercare to fully take root. Make sure you have company, a friend or family member who takes you back home. Though hair transplant procedure doesn’t require strong sedation, still it is advisable not to go back home alone. Keep yourself hydrated before and after the procedure. Follow the instructions strictly given by your medical practitioner. Also, don’t get panic, if you see some hair fall. Your transplanted hair will fall about 2-4 weeks after the procedure which is entirely normal and part of the natural hair growth cycle.”

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