Haircare tips: 5 signs and symptoms that your hair needs a protein treatment | Fashion Trends

Hair is a complex and fascinating part of our body that is constantly growing, changing, and adapting to our environment. While it may seem like a simple structure, hair is actually made up of many different elements, including keratin, a type of protein. This protein provides the structure and strength that are necessary for healthy hair. However, when hair is exposed to environmental stressors like heat, chemicals, and pollution, the protein can become damaged, leading to signs of breakage, dullness, and weakness. If your hair is showing signs of damage and weakness, it may be a time that it needs a protein treatment. By providing your hair with the protein it needs, you can help to restore its health, shine, and strength. (Also read: How to build a healthy haircare routine? Know from expert )

In an interview with HT Lifestyle, Dr. Sheetal Goyal, Dermatologist, suggested five signs and symptoms that your hair needs a protein treatment.

1. Breakage: Protein is an essential building block of hair, and when hair is deficient in protein, it can become weak and prone to breaking. If you notice increased breakage, especially at the ends of your hair, this may be a sign that your hair needs a protein treatment.

2. Lack of elasticity: Hair that is lacking in protein may also lose its elasticity, making it more prone to stretching and breakage when it is combed or styled. It may be a clue that your hair needs a protein treatment if you find that it is stretching but not bouncing back when you pull on it.

3. Dull appearance: Healthy hair has a natural shine, but if your hair appears dull and lacklustre, it may be a sign of a protein deficiency. Protein provides structure and strength to hair, and without enough of it, hair can look lifeless and lack shine.

4. Frizz: Frizz can occur when the cuticles of the hair shaft become damaged or raised, causing the hair to become dry and unruly. A lack of protein can contribute to damaged cuticles, making frizz a sign that your hair may need a protein treatment.

5. Weak strands: It can be an indication of a protein shortage if you notice that your hair seems to be losing strength. Damage and breakage may also be more likely to occur in hair that is limp and weak. If you’ve experienced hair loss or thinning, it may be an indication that you need a protein treatment to strengthen the strands and enhance hair health.

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