H3N2 Cases in India: Cases of H3N2 subtype of seasonal influenza being strictly monitored: Centre | India News

NEW DELHI: The Centre on Friday said that it is keeping a close watch on the H3N2 subtype of seasonal influenza after an 87-year-old man from Karnataka became India’s first victim of the virus.
The Union health ministry in a statement said that it is monitoring the situation in various states/UTs through the Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP) network on a real-time basis.
The cases arising from seasonal influenza are expected to decline from March end, the Centre said.
“Young children, old age persons with comorbidities are most vulnerable groups in the context of seasonal influenza,” it said.
So far, Karnataka and Haryana have confirmed one death each from H3N2 influenza.
What is it?
Seasonal influenza is an acute respiratory infection caused by influenza viruses that circulate in all parts of the world, and the cases are seen to increase during certain months globally.
India every year witnesses two peaks of seasonal influenza: one from January to March and the other in the post-monsoon season.
Real-time surveillance through network of labs
Near real-time surveillance of cases of influenza-like Illness (ILI) and Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (SARI) presenting in OPDs and IPDs of health facilities is undertaken by Integrated Disease Surveillance Programme (IDSP), National Centre for Disease Control (NCDC).
According to the latest data, a total of 3038 laboratory-confirmed cases of various subtypes of Influenza including H3N2 have been reported till 9th March 2023 by the States.
This includes 1,245 cases in January, 1,307 in February and 486 cases in March (till 9th March).
Influenza data from ICMR network of laboratories
In India, an integrated surveillance of influenza like Illness (ILI) and Severe Acute Respiratory Illness (SARI) for the detection of human influenza virus and SARS-COV-2 virus is ongoing through structured ILI/SARI surveillance network of 28 sites.
The surveillance network is comprised of 27 DHR-ICMR’s Virus Research & Diagnostic Laboratories and country’s National Influenza Centre (WHO-NIC) housed at ICMR-National Institute of Virology Pune, also a WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Influenza Surveillance & Response System (GISRS).
During the period of the first 9 weeks (January 2nd to March 5th) of 2023, the surveillance network has monitored the human influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 infection in SARI and ILI cases.
ICMR issues advisory
  • Influenza A subtype H3N2 is the major cause of the current respiratory illness.
  • Pan respiratory virus surveillance has been established by ICMR/DHR across 30 VRDts.
  • ISurveillance data from 15th December till date reflects the rise in number of cases of Influenza A H3N2.
  • About half of all inpatient severe acute respiratory infections (SARI) and outpatient influenza like illness were found to have Influenza A H3N2.

If symptomatic

  • Wash hands with soap and water
  • Wear masks and avoid crowded places
  • Cover mouth and nose while sneezing and coughing
  • Take plenty of fluids
  • Avoid touching eyes and nose
  • Take Paracetamol for fever and body aches


  • Shake hands or use other contact greetings
  • Take antibiotics or other medicine without consulting a doctor
  • Spit in public
  • Eat together sitting close to others


  • Oseltamivir is the drug recommended by WHO.
  • It is made available through the Public Health System free of cost.
  • The government has allowed the sale of Oseltamivir under Schedule H1 of Drug and Cosmetic Act in February 2017 for wider accessibility and availability.
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