Makers of the upcoming family drama Gulmohar unveiled the trailer on Saturday. Taking to Instagram, Manoj Bajpayee treated fans with the film’s trailer. Sharing the trailer, he wrote, “Meri Batra family, aapko apne parivaar ke saath swagat karti hai.” Gulmohar is a drama about three generations of a family who have grown apart through time. The film directed by Rahul V Chittella, stars Sharmila Tagore as the matriarch Kusum Batra, who decides to sell Gulmohar and go to Pondicherry. Gulmohar Trailer: Manoj Bajpayee, Sharmila Tagore and Simran Bagga’s Family Drama Stirs Up Sentiments (Watch Video).
Her declaration creates a commotion in the family, leaving her son Arun (Manoj Bajpayee) uneasy and her grandson (Suraj Sharma) wishing for independence.After the trailer of Gulmohar Manoj received mixed reactions from fans as they expected an update about The Family Man Season 3. “And here I thought Family Man season 3 is coming,” a fan commented. Another fan wrote, “Where is family man season 3.” Helmed by Rahul Chittella, the film stars Manoj Bajpayee, Sharmila Tagore, Simran, and Suraj Sharma in the lead roles and is all set to stream exclusively on the OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar from March 3, 2023. Gulmohar Premiere Date: Manoj Bajpayee, Sharmila Tagore and Simran Bagga’s Film to Stream on Disney+ Hotstar From March 3 (View Poster).
The most striking trivia about the movie is that it marks the comeback of legendary actor Sharmila Tagore on the big screen, after a long gap of 12 years. Gulmohar is a Star Studios production in association with Chalkboard Entertainment and Autonomous Works. The film’s original music is composed by Siddhartha Khosla. Meanwhile, Manoj was last seen in the song ”Kudi Meri” alongside actors Abhimanyu Dassani and Dhvani Bhanushali which gathered decent responses from the audience.
Watch The Trailer Here:
He will also be seen in the power-packed courtroom drama Bandaa. The film marks the directorial debut of Apoorv Singh Karki in Hindi films who has helmed popular OTT shows like Aspirants, Saas Bahu Achaar Pvt Ltd, Flames, etc.