‘Government should take far stronger sanctions against Putin and his enablers’ – Voice of the Mirror

Despite his claims, Boris Johnson has been far too sluggish when it comes to sanctions. The EU has targeted more than 700 individuals. The UK has sanctioned just a handful

Russian President Vladimir Putin

The destruction visited on Ukraine by the Russian military is terrifying in its brutality and scale.

Vladimir Putin is guilty of crimes against humanity with his wilful bombardment of innocent civilians.

On his instructions residential blocks have been destroyed, schools hit by missiles and hospitals reduced to rubble.

Brave reporters do their best to cover the conflict but restrictions mean we do not know the full extent of atrocities being committed.

What we do know is that many more will die as Russia ramps up its onslaught.

The UK Government owes it to the brave Ukrainian people, outgunned and outnumbered, to take far stronger action against Putin and his enablers in the Kremlin.

Despite his claims, Boris Johnson has been far too sluggish when it comes to sanctions.

The EU has targeted more than 700 individuals. The UK has sanctioned just a handful.

The PM says Putin must fail. For that to happen his deeds must match his words.

Boris Johnson says Putin must fail


AFP via Getty Images)

What an insult

Gavin Williamson, a joke when Defence Secretary, went on to become the worst Education Secretary in living memory.

His reward for failure and incompetence is to be made a knight of the realm.

Bestowing such a title on someone so undeserving debases the honours system.

It should be there to pay tribute to those who have made a difference to this country through artistic and sporting achievements, service to others or voluntary or charity work.

Boris Johnson is using it to buy political favours and keep his mates onside.

Williamson’s knighthood dishonours those who deserve the accolade and insults the children he failed as Education Secretary.


Scientists say the perfect chip butty requires 12 chunky chips, two slices of buttered white bread and ketchup.

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