24 x 7 World News

Government committed to reassessing India flight ban; Sydney blanketed by smoke; Minister says hotel quarantine can only have two percent with virus; Over 50s can get coronavirus jab


There are 58 close contacts that have been identified in relation to the positive case known as 1001.┬а

Of those, 26 have returned negative test results.┬а

Mr McGowan said 17 were from cooking classes.┬а

“We’re┬аawaiting results from the remaining, but all are in quarantine and will be in quarantine for the next 14 days,” he said.┬а

There are 217 casual contacts, with 43 testing negative so far.┬а

“Casual contacts are required to get tested immediately and quarantine until they return a┬аnegative test result,” the premier said.

WA Premier Mark McGowan said there are now 58 casual contacts linked to the security guard. (9News)

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