24 x 7 World News

GoFundMe raises huge amount for Hobart cancer couple Kirsten and Pete Rasmussen


Australians have stepped up in a big way to help a couple with three young kids who received a heartbreaking blow after both were diagnosed with cancer.

In August last year Kirsten Rasmussen had just given birth to her first daughter, Estelle, when she discovered a lump in her breast.

What should have been a heartwarming time for the mother-of-three turned to heartbreak when she was diagnosed with stage 2 breast cancer.

As her husband Pete and their children, Will, 6, Tommy, 4 and little Estelle grappled with the news they were then dealt another heartbreaking blow.

Two weeks after Mrs Rasmussen’s final course of radiation, Mr Rasmussen was rushed to the hospital after suffering multiple seizures only to be told the unthinkable – he had stage 2 brain cancer.

The Hobart man was given the tragic news that he had only between seven and 10 years to live.

“I found myself in the Royal with lots of doctors looking at me asking me if I could see, if I was all right, if I had a headache,” he told the Hobart Mercury.

“The tumour was in such a position that it was inoperable and if it was to be operated on I could become deaf, unable to speak or may or may not be conscious.

“The doctor said I would be the definition of a living vegetable.”

Mrs Rasmussen, an early childhood teacher, and Mr Rusmussen, a teacher at St Virgil’s College Junior School, have both been left unable to work.

Family and friends decided to set up a GoFundMe page which has been met with an overwhelming response.

More than $80,000 has already been donated in just one day towards the $200,000 target.

“I’m staggered with the amount of people that have their names on that list that I don’t even recognise,” Mr Rasmussen told the Mercury.

“Kirsten’s already had her own fight and my hair is still longer than hers — support like this means the world, it gives me some comfort for when I do go.”

“At the end of the day my wife is going to be left with three kids and a mortgage so every dollar really helps,” Mr Rasmussen said.

While Mrs Rasmussen is in remission and currently cancer-free, she still has more surgeries ahead.

“I’ve asked my brother if he can walk my daughter down the aisle,” Mr Rasmussen said.

“We get so busy with our lives and rushing to work so when things get really really serious it’s nice to know you have support.”

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