24 x 7 World News

Gastro alert as cases spike at Victorian childcare centres


There have been 104 outbreaks of viral gastroenteritis in Victorian childcare centres up to February 23 this year.

The average for the same period over the past five years is 63.

Childcare industry is at breaking point, according to Cass Duff
Gastro alert as case spike detected at Victorian childcare centres. (Getty Images/iStockphoto)

Viral gastroenteritis is highly infectious and the symptoms include nausea, vomiting, diarrhoea, fever, abdominal pain, headache and muscle aches.

Symptoms sometimes can take up to three days to develop and usually last between one or two days, sometimes longer.

In rare cases, gastro can develop into a more serious illness.

Chief Health Officer Professor Brett Sutton said “good old-fashioned” handwashing with soap and water was the best defence against the bug.

“Gastroenteritis can spread quickly through settings such as early childhood education and care services, where children play and interact closely with each other and their carers and can readily spread their bugs,” he said.

“It is important that early childhood services have good hygiene practices in place and to respond quickly with thorough and appropriate cleaning and disinfection if any children become ill.”

Professor Sutton said hand-sanitiser had become increasingly popular due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but handwashing with soap and warm water was still the best hygiene method to minimise the chance of spreading the virus.

“A good old-fashioned scrub with soap and warm water is the best way to remove the gastro virus from our hands and prevent passing it on to infect others,” he said.

Children with gastro should be kept home from early childhood services until 48 hours after they recover.

Cases of gastro surged last year, with 56 outbreaks detected in the six weeks to mid-December.

At the start of 2021, after a COVID lockdown was eased, 389 outbreaks were detected in childcare settings up to the end of April.

The figure is four times higher than the average for that time of year.

Anyone recovering from gastroenteritis should avoid visiting hospitals, early childhood services and aged care facilities to avoid spreading the infection to vulnerable people.

People should see a GP for advice and testing if their symptoms are severe or persist.

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