As the ten-day-long celebrations for Ganesh Chaturthi began on Friday, several Bollywood celebrities took to social media to extend greetings on the auspicious occasion. Actor Madhuri Dixit shared a video reel on her Instagram handle featuring herself offering prayers to Lord Ganesha on the sets of her dance reality show ‘Dance Deewane’. Sharing the video, she wrote, “Tumha sarvanna ani tumacya parivarala ganesa caturthinimitta hardika subheccha…!!!” (Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all of you and your family … !!!) Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: From Hrithik Roshan’s Deva Shree Ganesha to Salman Khan’s Vighnaharta; 5 Bollywood Ganpati Songs That Show Pure Devotion for the Elephant God (Watch Videos).
Actor Ajay Devgn posted a throwback picture of his Lalbaug Darshan in Mumbai. He captioned the post as, “Lord Ganesha is the harbinger of all things good–peace, prosperity, progress, happiness & health. Let’s join our hands in prayer to welcome our favourite deity today. Ganpati Bappa Morya.” Veteran actor Hema Malini also extended Ganesh Chaturthi wishes to his fans and followers on Twitter. “It is that time of the year when we welcome our beloved Ganeshji into our houses, seeking his blessings which he gives in abundance.This God of understanding and knowledge stays in our houses for 10 days encouraging camaraderie & happiness in society. Ganesh Chaturthi ki hardik shubhkaamnaye,” she tweeted. Ganesh Chaturthi 2021: Erica Fernandes’s Traditional yet Modern Saree Looks That You Must Try During Ganeshotsav (View Photos).
Actor Anupam Kher also tweeted, “Aap sabhee ko ganesh chaturthee kee haardik shubhakaamanaen. Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all of you.” Bollywood diva Kajol posted a mesmerising picture of herself on Twitter. The actor looked exquisite in a yellow Paithani saree, teamed up with matching jewellery. Sharing the picture, she tweeted, “Welcoming the ‘Vighnaharta’ with immense joy. #HappyGaneshChaturthi.” Actor Varun Dhawan, Taapsee Pannu, and Karan Johar among actors also sent wishes to their fans and followers on the special occasion.
Check Out the Posts and Tweets Below:
Madhuri Dixit
Ajay Devgn
Hema Malini
Anupam Kher
आप सभी को गणेश चतुर्थी की हार्दिक शुभकामनाएं। Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all of you.??? #GanpatiBappaMorya
— Anupam Kher (@AnupamPKher) September 10, 2021
Varun Dhawan
The festivities began on September 10 and will conclude on September 21.The festivities will end with the final immersion of the Ganesha idols, called the Visarjan. The festival is celebrated with much grandeur in Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Gujarat among other states.
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