24 x 7 World News

Gandhi memorial sends wood to cremation grounds in Delhi


Officials at the national memorial to Mahatma Gandhi have sent dry wood from the Rajghat premises to cremation grounds in Delhi that are running short of wood due to the spike in COVID-19 deaths.

The Gandhi Smriti and Darshan Samiti (GSDS), which is in-charge of Gandhi Darshan at Rajghat and Gandhi Smriti at 5, Tees January Marg, on Friday sent two truckloads of dry wood from its premises at Rajghat, GSDS Director Dipanker Shri Gyan told Today News 24.

He said the South Delhi Municipal Corporation had sought help to overcome the shortage of dry wood at various cremation grounds. Permission had been sought to cut an additional 20 dried trees and send them as well, he said. “We are working with the SDMC Mayor so that the Forest Department gives permission on priority basis. We will be able to send up to five truckloads of wood,” he said.

Info on beds, oxygen

In addition, the GSDS also launched a WhatsApp helpline for verified information on oxygen cylinders, hospital beds, food for patients, vaccination and medicines for COVID-19.

“It is our Gandhian philosophy. We saw that the numbers on social media for oxygen cylinders etc. were either incorrect or no one was answering. So we decided to verify the information,” he said.

Anyone in need would be connected to vendors after verification of the information through a WhatsApp text to 9711228032. Mr. Gyan said a dashboard would also be set up within days to provide latest information every four or five hours.

Last year, when the COVID-19 pandemic first broke out, GSDS had distributed masks to those in need. Mr. Gyan said a similar drive for distributing safety essentials was in the works again.

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