From Situationship To Benching: Gen Z Dating Terms And Their Impact On Relationships | Relationships News
The world of dating has always been complex, but Gen Z has introduced a lexicon of terms that, while trendy, often lead to confusion, miscommunication, and unnecessary emotional turmoil.
Here are some of the most common Gen Z dating terms that can complicate relationships and create chaos as shared by relationship coach, Jeevika Sharma.
1. Ghosting
Perhaps the most infamous of modern dating terms, ghosting refers to suddenly cutting off all communication with someone without explanation. While it may seem like an easy way to avoid difficult conversations, ghosting leaves the other person confused and hurt, often leading to unresolved emotions and trust issues.
2. Breadcrumbing
Breadcrumbing involves giving someone just enough attention to keep them interested, without committing to a real relationship. This behavior manipulates the recipient, leaving them feeling strung along and undervalued. It creates an emotional rollercoaster that can undermine self-esteem and foster resentment.
3. Benching
Similar to breadcrumbing, benching happens when someone keeps a romantic prospect on standby while pursuing other options. This behavior not only wastes time but also devalues the other person’s feelings and intentions.
4. Cushioning
Cushioning refers to maintaining flirtations with potential partners as a safety net in case a current relationship ends. This practice erodes trust and creates insecurity, making it difficult to build a strong, healthy foundation in any relationship.
5. Love Bombing
Love bombing occurs when someone overwhelms their partner with excessive affection and attention, often as a way to manipulate or gain control. While it may feel exhilarating at first, it often leads to unhealthy power dynamics and emotional exhaustion.
6. Orbiting
Orbiting describes the act of staying present in someone’s life through social media—liking posts or viewing stories—without engaging in direct communication. This behavior sends mixed signals and prevents closure, leaving individuals stuck in a limbo of “what-ifs.”
7. Situationship
A situationship is an undefined relationship where neither party commits to labels or expectations. While this might appeal to those avoiding commitment, it often leads to misaligned expectations and emotional turmoil when one person seeks more clarity.