Rajasthan Chief Minister Ashok Gehlot on Wednesday announced zero bill for users consuming up to 100 units of electricity every month. On the other hand, those users who are consuming more than 100 units of electricity per month will not have to pay for the first 100 units. Meanwhile, consumers using up to 200 units of electricity will have the first 100 units free and fixed charge, fuel surcharge and other charges up to 200 units will be waived off. Gehlot said that their payment will be done by the state government. Rajasthan Government Making Efforts To Provide Adequate Power for Agricultural Activities, Says CM Ashok Gehlot.
No Electricity Bill for Consumption of First 100 Units of Power
Rajasthan CM Ashok Gehlot announces zero bill for users consuming up to 100 units of electricity every month. Users consuming more than 100 units of electricity per month will not have to pay for the first 100 units. Consumers using up to 200 units of electricity will have the… pic.twitter.com/z3OZy5VFFO
— ANI MP/CG/Rajasthan (@ANI_MP_CG_RJ) May 31, 2023
Free Electricity in Rajasthan?
महंगाई राहत शिविरों के अवलोकन व जनता से बात करने पर फीडबैक आया कि बिजली बिलों में मिलने वाली स्लैबवार छूट में थोड़ा बदलाव किया जाए.
– मई महीने में बिजली बिलों में आए फ्यूल सरचार्ज को लेकर भी जनता से फीडबैक मिला जिसके आधार पर बड़ा फैसला किया है.
– 100 यूनिट प्रतिमाह तक बिजली… pic.twitter.com/z27tJRuyaf
— Ashok Gehlot (@ashokgehlot51) May 31, 2023
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