Four yoga asanas to boost your child’s health this monsoon season

While many people — especially children — enjoy the monsoon season, there are some risks associated with it, mainly to do with humidity, change of weather, mosquito-breeding, etc. It is advisable, therefore, that people take care of their health, especially with the pandemic going on. And what better way than yoga to ensure a big boost to the immune system?

Himalayan Siddha, Grand Master Akshar, says that since children have been cooped up indoors in the lockdowns, it is time to engage them in simple yoga exercises. “The monsoon season can bring many waterborne diseases, and this is why yoga is highly recommended,” he says.

1. Mandukasana

Formation of the posture

– Start in Vajrasana.
– Make a fist with the thumb tucked well inside your four fingers.
– Place your fists on either side of your navel.
– Exhale and pull your abdomen inside. Then, slowly bend forward and start pressing the navel with your fists.
– With your back kept straight, keep looking forward in your bent position.
– Inhale and lift up and relax.

2. Matsyasana — Fish Pose

Formation of the posture

– Lie down on your back.
– Use your elbows and forearms to push against the ground and lift your head and shoulders.
– Alternatively, you can reverse your palms and push to lift your head and chest.
– Place the top of your head or crown of the head on the floor.
– Straighten your legs or bend your knees as per your comfort.
– Allow your arms to rest beside your body.

3. Halasana — Plough Pose

Formation of the posture

– Lie down on your back with your arms on the floor beside you.
– You can either fold both legs placing the feet close to the pelvis or lift both legs straight to a 90 degree angle.
– Support your back with your palms, lift your legs to drop your toes behind you.
– Your middle and lower back is off the floor. Only then will you be able to touch your toes to the floor behind.
– If you are comfortable with the balance, you can interlace your fingers and place your palms on the floor, elbows straight.

4. Paschimottanasana

Formation of the posture

– Begin with Dandasana.
– Ensure that your knees are slightly bent while your legs are stretched out forward.
– Extend your arms upward and keep your spine erect.
– Exhale and empty your stomach of air.
– With the exhale, bend forward at the hip and place your upper body on your lower body.
– Lower your arms and grip your big toes with your fingers.
– Try to touch your knees with your nose.

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