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Exclusive: Check these 5 things to be mindful of ahead of the New Year! | Culture News


As another year comes to a close, it’s important for each one of us to reflect on how this past year has been. We’re all in recovery mode – either going back to some pre-pandemic ways or have already accustomed to certain ways of being that we adopted in the pandemic and are in the process of settling down with those ways. “While we are doing that, it’s important to keep in mind the fact that the pandemic has taught us a lot at all levels- mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. The post-pandemic world is more awakened & aware. How we want to use our awareness, is up to us,” says Damini Grover, Author and founder of I’m Powered – Center for Counseling & Well-being, Delhi

Just like the previous years, this year too has been filled with learnings, insights, ups & downs and some great moments as well and as we are stepping into yet another year, we need to be more intentional with ourselves & our lives.

“Being intentional is not just about setting goals or resolutions. It’s about approaching our dreams, desires, goals with the kind of energy that not only propels us forward but also enables us to sustain it. Most of the times our New Year goals & resolutions fizzle out because the energy behind those is that of insecurity & fear. We fear the negative things that will happen if our goals aren’t met and resolutions aren’t fulfilled,” adds Damini.

Therefore, the key factor to consider is the intention which then becomes the driving factor for all the goals. For example, a really common New Year goal for so many people is to lose weight. But this idea of losing weight is driven by insecurity & a judgemental outlook towards one’s own self. These emotions keep pulling us down instead of pushing us forward. So, we start working on our goal and before we know it, it has already fizzled out!

Therefore, it’s important to begin your New Year with an overall mindset that would support your goals.

Here are some things that we all could be intentional or mindful of in this coming year:

1. Focus more on being physically healthy:

We need to be more conscious of our physical health because our body is the vehicle that drives us. This year, commit to taking better care of yourself – eat well, hydrate yourself, move more and sleep well. The pandemic has taught us that we can’t take anything for granted. Hence, we need to be mindful of our physical health more than ever.

2. Focus on being emotionally healthy:

The rise in awareness of mental health issues tells us that we cannot ignore our mental health anymore. Our mental & emotional health fuels our physical health and they are intricately linked. We cannot negate the role of mental & emotional health when considering our overall health. It’s important to focus on self-development, build skills for relationships, emotional navigation, and work-life balance amongst other things.

3. Focus on sustenance:

We live in a world of instant gratification. We want everything to happen instantly and that takes away our ability to handle set-backs, rejections, losses, disappointment. Therefore, this coming year let’s focus on building a lifestyle & mindset that we can sustain.

4. Build meaningful connections:

We all live in a world driven by social media. The only connection we know is the internet connection! So, this coming year, let’s step out of the digital world more and connect with people in real-time. Let’s experience the joy & fulfilment that real interaction with a friend, family member or even colleagues brings!

5. Find something that gives you fulfilment:

Let this year be about personal growth & meaning. Commit to being a part of something that sparks your creativity & gives you a sense of purpose. Travel, paint, sing, dance, contribute – indulge in things that make you feel engaged & purposeful.

Let 2023 be the year where you focus your energies on taking care of yourself, building a healthy relationship with yourself & others, letting go of habits & behaviours that are causing you to harm and loving yourself more.

Wishing you all Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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