Central to our understanding of immunity are the signaling pathways of the innate immune system. Prototypical examples include the pathways activated by the Toll-like receptors (TLRs) and the nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NLR)–containing proteins. Upon detection of microbial products and virulence factors or dysregulation of cellular homeostasis, members of these receptor families seed the assembly of multiprotein complexes known as supramolecular organizing centers [SMOCs; (1)]. SMOCs represent the signaling organelles of the innate immune system, which unleash activities that promote inflammation, interferon responses, changes in metabolism, or cell death in a context-dependent manner. Examples of these signaling organelles include the inflammasomes, which serve as the sites of interleukin-1β (IL-1β) maturation and signals that induce pyroptosis (2).
Inflammasomes are controlled by caspases that operate upstream or downstream of these molecular machines, including caspase-1 (Casp-1), murine caspase-11 (mCasp-11), or human caspase-4 (hCasp-4) and caspase-5 (hCasp-5) (3). These enzymes consist of an N-terminal caspase activation and recruitment domain (CARD) fused to an enzymatic domain. Upon activation, inflammatory caspases cleave the cytosolic protein gasdermin D (GSDMD), which subsequently forms pores in the plasma membrane that cause lytic cell death (pyroptosis) and the release of the cleaved IL-1 family cytokines IL-1β and IL-18 (4–7).
Despite their commonalities, inflammatory caspases have protein-specific activities. For example, only Casp-1 has considerable IL-1β–converting enzyme (ICE) activity (8) and only Casp-1 can be recruited into inflammasomes to stimulate its catalytic activity (2). mCasp-11, hCasp-4, and hCasp-5, in contrast, are not recruited into inflammasomes, and their catalytic activity is stimulated by binding of their CARD to bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) (9). Because mCasp-11 and hCasp-4 cannot cleave pro–IL-1β, the pathways activated by LPS depend on the downstream activation of the NLR family pyrin domain containing 3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. Inflammasome-associated Casp-1 then provides the ICE activity that the upstream caspases cannot (10–12). No caspase is known to combine LPS-binding and IL-1β–processing activities. Despite the importance of inflammatory caspases in host defense, the mechanisms underlying their differential cleavage specificities and ligand-binding activities are poorly defined.
Core components of the pyroptosis machinery are conserved throughout vertebrate evolution. Mammals of the order Carnivora, including all terrestrial and marine dog-like and cat-like animals, represent an exception to this statement. These animals lack the gene encoding Casp-1 (13, 14). Instead, carnivorans have a gene where a Casp-1–like CARD is fused to a second CARD and an enzymatic domain, both of which are similar to hCasp-4 (Fig. 1, A and B). In addition, transcripts of this gene are spliced to give rise to two isoforms: one that contains a single CARD (Casp-1/4a) and one with both CARDs (Casp-1/4b) (Fig. 1A). Both carnivoran caspases contain enzymatic domains that are most similar to hCasp-4, which does not contain ICE activity. These bioinformatic observations raise the question of how pyroptosis and IL-1 release are regulated in carnivorans, as key elements of the known pathways are reorganized or missing.
(A) Schematic of genetic loci encoding inflammatory caspases in humans, mice, and dogs. (B) Phylogenetic tree displaying evolutionary relationship between cCasp-1/4b and murine and human inflammatory caspases based on amino acid conservation. (C to E) Canine primary MDMs were primed with LPS for 4 hours or left unprimed before stimulation with nigericin for 3 hours. Cells were pretreated with indicated inhibitors for 30 min and inhibitors were coadministered during nigericin treatment. PI fluorescence intensity and cell-associated or extracellular IL-1β release were assessed after 3-hour nigericin treatment. (F) Immunoblot analysis of lysates of LPS-primed WT iBMDMs and Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated Myc-tagged caspase. (G) WT iBMDMs or Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated caspase were primed for 4 hours with LPS or left unprimed before treatment with nigericin for 3 hours. LDH and IL-1β in supernatants were then quantified. (H) Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with indicated caspases were primed for 4 hours with LPS and then either left untreated or stimulated with nigericin for 2 hours. Lysates and media were combined to assess processing of GSDMD by immunoblot. FL, full length; NT, N-terminal fragment. (I) WT iBMDMs or Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated caspases were primed for 4 hours with LPS or left unprimed before infection with S. aureus 113 ΔoatA. LDH and IL-1β in supernatants were quantified 12 hours after infection. Data are presented as means ± SEM of at least three independent experiments. Primary cell experiments include data from at least three different donors. Immunoblots show representative result of three independent repeats. Statistical significance was determined by one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) (B and C) or two-way ANOVA (F and H). *P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.001; ****P < 0.0001; ns, not significant.
Here, we show that, in contrast to bioinformatic predictions, the Casp-1/4 proteins from Canis lupus familiaris display all activities of Casp-1, including the ability to cleave pro–IL-1β. Comparative analysis revealed how mouse and human caspases select pro–IL-1β as a substrate, by a mechanism distinct from that which cleaves GSDMD. This knowledge enabled us to redesign hCasp-4 into a protease exhibiting ICE activity that operated as a one-protein signaling pathway that senses LPS and cleaves IL-1β and GSDMD, independent of inflammasomes. A broader evolutionary analysis revealed multiple animal species that encode a Casp-4 gene whose product naturally operates in a similar manner to our redesigned hCasp-4. These findings reveal molecular determinants of caspase substrate specificity and challenge the idea that complexity is a prerequisite for innate immune pathway design.
Despite bioinformatic predictions, canine inflammatory caspases are functional homologs of Casp-1
The gene encoding the inflammasome stimulatory protein NLRP3 is conserved in carnivorans (15). To determine whether NLRP3 is operational in carnivoran cells, we primed canine monocyte-derived macrophages (MDMs) (fig. S1A) with LPS and stimulated them with the K+ ionophore nigericin, an inducer of NLRP3 activation in murine and human cells. Stimulated cells were then stained with the membrane-impermeable dye propidium iodide (PI), which binds to intracellular nucleic acids upon plasma membrane disruption, and determined cellular adenosine 5′-triphosphate (ATP) levels as a proxy for viability. Treatment of canine MDMs with nigericin stimulated an increase in PI fluorescence and a decrease in cellular ATP, both of which are indicators of pyroptosis (Fig. 1C and fig. S1B). Nigericin induced these responses in the presence or absence of LPS, as is observed in human monocytes (16). LPS priming correlated with the release of IL-1β (Fig. 1D), which was processed into the bioactive p17 fragment (Fig. 1E; fragment at ~17 kDa). The NLRP3 inhibitor MCC950 (17) prevented nigericin-induced cell death, as cells treated with this inhibitor exhibited lower PI staining and higher ATP levels, as compared with noninhibitor-treated cells (Fig. 1C and fig. S1B). In addition, the pan-caspase inhibitor benzyloxycarbonyl-Val-Ala-Asp-fluoromethylketone (zVAD-FMK) and disulfiram, an inhibitor of GSDMD pore formation (18), reduced nigericin-induced death (Fig. 1C and fig. S1B). All three inhibitors diminished IL-1β release (Fig. 1D). Overall, these data indicate that the NLRP3 inflammasome pathway is intact in canine cells.
Our finding that IL-1β can be cleaved and released from canine MDMs was notable, as Casp-1 is missing in dogs. To explain these findings, we determined whether canine Casp-1/4 (cCasp-1/4a and cCasp-1/4b) proteins can operate as Casp-1. We designed an experimental system based on stable, heterologous expression of a caspase in immortalized bone marrow–derived macrophages (iBMDMs) from mice deficient in mCasp-1 and mCasp-11 (hereafter referred to as Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs). We reconstituted Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs with cCasp-1/4 isoforms (cCasp-1/4a or cCasp-1/4b), mCasp-1, mCasp-11, or hCasp-4. cCasp-1/4a and cCasp-1/4b could be detected by immunoblot using a Casp-4-specific, but not a Casp-1-specific, antibody, underscoring their identity as structural Casp-4 homologs (Fig. 1F).
We primed cells with LPS and subsequently stimulated them with nigericin. Within wild-type (WT) cells, these treatments induced pyroptosis, as assessed by the release of the cytosolic enzyme lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) and IL-1β (Fig. 1G). Both processes were abrogated in Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs expressing green fluorescent protein (GFP) or mCasp-11 as a transgene but were restored by expression of mCasp-1 (Fig. 1G). Similar to mCasp-1, cells expressing cCasp-1/4a or cCasp1/4b released LDH and IL-1β upon LPS priming and nigericin treatment. These phenotypes coincided with the cleavage of GSDMD into its pore-forming N-terminal domain (Fig. 1H). Similar results were obtained when cells were transfected with poly(dA:dT) (fig. S1, C and D), which stimulates the absent in melanoma 2 (AIM2) inflammasome (19, 20). Poly(dA:dT)-induced LDH release was independent of LPS priming (fig. S1C), as expected (19).
In addition to stimulating pyroptosis, select inflammasome activators can induce IL-1β release from living (hyperactive) cells (21, 22). Infection of macrophages with Staphylococcus aureus lacking O-acetyltransferase A (SA113 ΔoatA) causes hyperactivation in a Casp1-dependent manner (22). We infected transgene-expressing Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs with SA113 ΔoatA. WT iBMDMs, as well as cells expressing mCasp-1, cCasp-1/4a, or cCasp-1/4b, responded to infection with the release of IL-1β, but not LDH, and the amount of IL-1β could be boosted if cells were primed with LPS (Fig. 1I). No IL-1β was released from Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs expressing GFP or mCasp-11 upon infection (Fig. 1I).
Within mCasp-1, the N-terminal CARD is critical for its recruitment into inflammasomes (23, 24). To determine the role of the CARD within cCasp-1/4a and cCasp-1/4b, we reconstituted Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs with a canine caspase construct lacking its Casp-1–like CARD. Cells expressing this mutant caspase (cCasp-1/4bΔCARD) failed to release LDH or IL-1β after LPS priming followed by nigericin treatment (fig. S1, E to H). These collective data demonstrate that both cCasp-1/4 isoforms can operate similar to Casp-1 in the context of multiple inflammasome stimuli.
Canine caspases are not LPS sensors and canine cells cannot respond to intracellular LPS
While the first CARD of cCasp-1/4b is similar to that of Casp-1, the second CARD shares homology with the LPS-sensing CARDs of hCasp-4 and mCasp-11. We therefore investigated whether cCasp-1/4b might respond to exposure to LPS. Transgenic cells were primed with LPS before delivery of LPS into the cytosol via electroporation. LPS electroporation stimulated LDH release from WT iBMDMs and Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs expressing mCasp-11 or hCasp-4, indicating the induction of pyroptosis (Fig. 2A). Cells expressing mCasp-1 or GFP did not lyse upon LPS electroporation. None of our reconstituted Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs released significant amounts of IL-1β after LPS electroporation (Fig. 2B). This finding validates current dogma, which predicts that mCasp-11 and mCasp-1 are both needed for LPS to induce cleavage and release IL-1β (11). Because our iBMDMs produce either mCasp-1 or mCasp-11 (not both), IL-1β release is diminished.
(A and B) WT iBMDMs or Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated caspase were primed for 4 hours with LPS before electroporation of LPS or PBS. LDH and IL-1β in supernatants were quantified after 3 hours. (C) Schematic of WT and chimeric caspase constructs. (D) Immunoblot analysis of whole-cell lysates of Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated Myc-tagged caspases. (E) Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the caspases were primed for 4 hours with LPS or left unprimed before electroporation of LPS or PBS. LDH in supernatants was quantified after 3 hours. (F to H) Canine primary MDMs or murine WT iBMDMs were primed with LPS for 4 hours. LPS or PBS was delivered into the cytosol of the cells by electroporation. PI fluorescence intensity, intracellular ATP levels, and IL-1β in supernatants were quantified after 3 hours. Data are presented as means ± SEM of three (E), four (F to H), or five (A and B) independent experiments. Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA. *P < 0.05; ****P < 0.0001.
We found that neither cCasp-1/4a– nor cCasp-1/4b–expressing cells died upon cytosolic LPS delivery (Fig. 2A). These results imply that cCasp-1/4b cannot be activated by LPS. To further investigate this lack in LPS responsiveness, we determined whether the Casp-4–like CARD from cCasp-1/4b can functionally replace the LPS-sensing CARD from either mCasp-11 or hCasp-4. We designed chimeric caspases where the CARDs from cCasp-1/4b were attached to the enzymatic domain from mCasp-11 (mEnz11) or hCasp-4 (hEnz4) (cCARD1 + 4/mEnz11 and cCARD1 + 4/hEnz4). These chimeric proteins were stably produced in Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs (Fig. 2, C and D). Cells expressing these chimeras failed to promote pyroptosis when electroporated with LPS (Fig. 2E). We further considered the possibility that the Casp-1–like CARD prevents LPS detection by cCasp-1/4b. However, deletion of this additional CARD did not render cells responsive to LPS electroporation (fig. S2A). Even within primary canine MDMs, we observed no evidence of cell death or IL-1β release upon LPS electroporation (Fig. 2, F to H). Altering electroporation conditions did not reveal any LPS-specific changes in canine MDMs (fig. S2, B to D). In human and pig monocytes (but not MDMs), the TLR4 pathway activates the NLRP3 inflammasome to promote IL-1β release (25). We observed similar responses when we stimulated canine monocytes with LPS, as these treatments promoted IL-1β release (fig. S2, E and F). Canine cells are therefore not generally unresponsive to LPS but are specifically unresponsive to cytosolic LPS.
Canine caspase activities reveal distinct mechanisms of IL-1β and GSDMD substrate selection by murine and human inflammatory caspases
Our findings suggest that cCasp-1/4 proteins operate most similarly to Casp-1 homologs in humans and mice. We therefore investigated mechanisms that underlie this symmetry of activities. Cysteine 285 (C285) is the main catalytic residue within human and murine Casp-1 (26), which is conserved in the canine caspases. We introduced Cys-to-Ala mutations at the equivalent sites in cCasp-1/4a and cCasp-1/4b (C285A and C370A, respectively) and expressed these mutants in Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs (Fig. 3A). We did not observe any LDH release, secretion of IL-1β, or processing of GSDMD after LPS + nigericin treatment of cells expressing these cCasp-1/4 mutants (Fig. 3, B to F). The catalytic activity of cCasp-1/4a and cCasp-1/4b is therefore required to induce pyroptosis and IL-1β release.
(A) Immunoblot analysis of lysates of Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs expressing Myc-tagged cCasp-1/4 variants. (B to F) Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the indicated caspase were primed for 4 hours with LPS or left unprimed before treatment with nigericin. LDH and intracellular and extracellular IL-1β were quantified after 3 hours. Cells in (F) were treated with nigericin for 2 hours before assessing GSDMD processing. (G) Schematics showing architecture of synthetic hybrid caspases consisting of human or murine Casp-1 CARDs and the catalytic domains and CARDs of hCasp-4 or mCasp-11, respectively. (H) Immunoblot analysis of lysates of Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs expressing indicated Myc-tagged caspases. (I to K) Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs reconstituted with the caspases indicated were primed for 4 hours with LPS or left unprimed before treatment with nigericin for 3 hours. LDH and intracellular and extracellular IL-1β were then quantified. Data are presented as means ± SEM of three independent experiments. Immunoblots of immunoprecipitated IL-1β display one representative result of three independent repeats. Statistical significance was determined by two-way ANOVA. ****P < 0.0001.
The ability of cCasp-1/4 proteins to induce IL-1β processing was unexpected, as their catalytic domain is most similar to that found in hCasp-4, a caspase that has minimal ICE activity (27, 28). The presence of cleaved IL-1β in the supernatants of the reconstituted macrophages could be explained if Casp-4 homologs actually do have ICE activity, but this activity is dormant under natural conditions and can only be stimulated upon recruitment into an inflammasome.
To address this possibility, we created a scenario whereby the enzymatic domains of hCasp-4 or mCasp-11 can be recruited into inflammasomes via a mechanism similar to Casp-1. This was accomplished by generating fusions between the CARD of hCasp-1 or mCasp-1 to full-length hCasp-4 or mCasp-11 or the isolated enzymatic domains of these caspases (Fig. 3G). When expressed in Casp-1/11−/− iBMDMs, these chimeric enzymes caused a similar degree of pyroptosis after LPS + nigericin treatment (Fig. 3, H and I). However, this pyroptotic cell death was not accompanied by the release of mature IL-1β (Fig. 3, J and K). These findings eliminate the possibility that recruitment of hCasp-4 or mCasp-11 into an inflammasome stimulates a latent ICE activity.
On the basis of the above-described phenotypes, we considered the possibility that cCasp-1/4 display intrinsic ICE properties. We therefore purified recombinant catalytic domains from mCasp-1, hCasp-4, and cCasp-1/4. Analysis by SDS–polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) confirmed that the recombinant enzymes are autocatalytically processed into the large (p20) and small (p10) catalytic subunits (Fig. 4A). We then characterized their ability to cleave peptide-based and full-length protein substrates. Enzyme kinetic analyses using N-a-acetyl-Tyr-Val-Ala-Asp-p-nitroanilide ( YVAD-pNA), a chromogenic tetrapeptide substrate optimized for cleavage by Casp-1, revealed similar Michaelis-Menten constants (Km) for mCasp-1 and cCasp-1/4, whereas the Km of hCasp-4 for this substrate was so high that it was not possible to calculate (Fig. 4, B and C). The turnover number (kcat) and catalytic efficiency of mCasp-1 were only two- to threefold higher than those of cCasp-1/4 (Fig. 4C). Similar results were observed when we examined whether the caspases can process pro–IL-1β. As expected, pro–IL-1β was cleaved far more efficiently by mCasp-1 than by hCasp-4 (Fig. 4, D and E). Our results are consistent with earlier reports that hCasp-4 can process pro–IL-1β in vitro, albeit at very slow rates, which imply that this reaction is unlikely to be of physiological relevance (29). cCasp-1/4 processed murine pro–IL-1β at a near-comparable rate to mCasp-1 (Fig. 4, F and G). Equivalent results were obtained when the canine variant of this cytokine was used as a substrate (fig. S3, A to D). We also investigated the ability of our recombinant caspases to process another IL-1 family member, pro–IL-18 (30). As expected (28, 31), mCasp-1 and hCasp-4 efficiently cleaved pro–IL-18 and produced the mature 18-kDa fragment (p18) and cCasp-1/4 cleaved pro–IL-18 with a similar efficiency (fig. S3, E to H). These findings demonstrate that cCasp-1/4 enzymes can process IL-1 family cytokines comparably with mCasp-1.