New Delhi: Kartik Aaryan has cemented his position among the Bollywood A-listers with his back-to-back hits and a strong mass appeal. Praising his work and success, veteran Indian star Shatrughan Sinha said ‘Every ten years, the film industry gets one outsider who takes over the industry. Now it’s Kartik Aaryan.”
In an interview with Zoom TV, Shatrughan Sinha further expressed his admiration for Kartik’s journey, drawing parallels to his own struggles as an outsider in Bollywood. Reflecting on his early days, Sinha shared, “Jab main aaya tha toh baahar ka tha. (When I entered, I was an outsider.) I had no connections with the industry.” His words highlight the sheer determination it takes for an outsider to make a mark, something he sees reflected in Kartik’s rise.
With Anurag Basu’s next set to light up theaters this Diwali and Tu Meri Main Tera, Main Tera Tu Meri , Kartik Aaryan’s lineup promises a mix of cinematic brilliance and fresh storytelling.