24 x 7 World News

Established Romance Writer Expands into a New Genre, Writing a Potentially Must-Read Thriller Book of 2021: Visiting Darkness


Celeste Prater, award-winning author of the bestselling Fueled by Lust and Three Divisions trilogies, continues to captivate readers with her latest hit novel, Visiting Darkness. Although Prater is an established force in the romance world, Visiting Darkness is her first foray into the thriller genre with an added speculative twist.

In Visiting Darkness, Detective Max Browning is assigned to a slew of murders committed by the least-likely culprits, people who leave behind few clues outside of their model lives. There’s seemingly no pattern to show why otherwise upstanding citizens would suddenly go on killing sprees. While victims’ neighbors, coworkers, and friends eventually learn to let go, Max instead becomes obsessed with unraveling the cause of these unusual crimes.

Visiting Darkness is perfect for adult readers who enjoy the intrigue of James Patterson and the haunting style of Stephen King. Prater seamlessly weaves the supernatural into her work, culminating in a satisfying ending that lingers in the mind long after the final page has been turned. With flawed, relatable characters and an unpredictable plot, Visiting Darkness combines the best elements of horror, paranormal fiction, and crime thrillers to stunning effect.

Readers adore Prater’s immersive worldbuilding and smooth narrative voice. Describing Visiting Darkness as a “must-read for anyone who enjoys a good mystery,” reviewers continue to praise Prater’s unorthodox construction and mechanics. By breaking from tradition, Prater’s work is both refreshing and daring.

The audiobook version of Visiting Darkness was honored with the prestigious Audio Book Reviewer’s Choice Award. Narrated by SAG member Jeffery S. Fellin, Visiting Darkness is recognized as an all-around exceptional example of storytelling, audio narration, and craft. When asked to reflect on her distinguished novel, Prater simply remarked, “Just when you think you know someone… you don’t.”

Visiting Darkness, including the award-winning audiobook, is available for purchase on Amazon.com or wherever books are sold.

Celeste Prater is an acclaimed author, Harley rider, and former Marine. As the author of the bestselling Fueled by Lust, Three Divisions, and A Casual Glance series, her work has received numerous awards and been featured on The Today Show. Prater is also known for penning Visiting Darkness, an award-winning supernatural thriller, and I’m In Here Somewhere: Memoir of a Food Addict on behalf of Chad Dean from My 600-Lb. Life.

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