India on Friday expressed concern over certain pro-Khalistani elements disrupting the screening of the movie Emergency in the UK. ‘Emergency’ Movie Review: Kangana Ranaut Delivers an Ambitious and Provocative Take On Indira Gandhi’s Legacy (Today News 24 Exclusive).
External Affairs Ministry spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said India hoped that those involved in disrupting the screening will be held accountable. “We consistently raise concerns with the UK government regarding incidents of violent protest and intimidation by anti-India elements,” he said. ‘Emergency’ Box Office Verdict – Hit or Flop: Can Kangana Ranaut End Her BO Drought Since ‘Tanu Weds Manu Returns’? Check Out Our Opening Weekend Insights!.
MEA Responds to Protests Over ‘Emergency’ Screening in UK
#WATCH | Delhi: MEA Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal says, “We have also seen several reports on how the film, ‘Emergency’, which was being screened in several halls was being obstructed. We consistently raise concerns with the UK Government regarding incidents of violent protest and…
— ANI (@ANI) January 24, 2025
Freedom of speech and expression cannot be applied selectively and those obstructing it must be held accountable, Jaiswal said. We hope that the UK side will take appropriate action against those responsible, he said.