24 x 7 World News

Elliot Page Blasts U.S. Anti-Trans Legislation As ‘Upsetting, Cruel And Exhausting’


By Brent Furdyk.

Several U.S. states with Republican-led legislatures have been unveiling various bills aimed at limiting the rights of transgender people, including recent bills in North Dakota and Alabama that approved bills that would restrict trans females from playing on school sports teams that reflect their gender identity.

Actor Elliot Page, who came out as transgender in December 2020, took to social media on Saturday to share his outrage over this blatantly anti-trans legislation.

“As I watch the movement of these bills attacking trans youth across the U.S., especially this week in Florida, Alabama, Texas and North Dakota, I am thinking of my trans siblings and the collective pain that our community must endure to battle again and again for our right to exist,” he wrote on Instagram, accompanying a selfie in which he holds a sign declaring “Protect trans kids.”

RELATED: Elliot Page Says Fans’ Love and Support Has Been The ‘Greatest Gift’ After Coming Out As Transgender

“These bills are upsetting, cruel and exhausting,” the Canadian-born actor continued.

He urged his social media followers to contact their representatives and share their feelings about these bills.

“Tell them to oppose legislation that discriminates against us,” Page added.

“Tell them our access to health care is an inalienable human right. Tell them to let trans kids play sports. Tell them that #TransPeopleBelong – we always have, and we always will,” he concluded.

Last month, Page gave his first interview since coming out as trans.

“This feeling of true excitement and deep gratitude to have made it to this point in my life, mixed with a lot of fear and anxiety,” he told Time.

RELATED: Elliot Page Shares The ‘Feeling Of True Excitement’ About Coming Out As Trans

He was also happy to reveal that his coming out was received by fans as he’d expected, in terms of both good and bad.

“What I was anticipating was a lot of support and love and a massive amount of hatred and transphobia,” he said. “That’s essentially what happened.”

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