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EAM Jaishankar to visit New York to attend events of India’s UNSC Presidency | India News

NEW DELHI: External affairs minister S Jaishankar will begin a three-day visit to New York on Tuesday to preside over two signature events of India’s ongoing Presidency of the UN Security Council.
The high-level ministerial open debate on the theme “New Orientation for Reformed Multilateralism” will take place on December 14 while a briefing on ‘Global Approach to Counter Terrorism- Challenges and Way Forward’ will be held on December 15, according to the Ministry of External Affairs (MEA).
Both these themes have been key priorities for India during its current tenure at the United Nations Security Council (UNSC).
India is holding the charge of UNSC Presidency for the month of December.
“The primary focus of the open debate on reformed multilateralism is to encourage all member states to seriously address the pressing need for reforms in the global governance multilateral architecture, including the long-standing reforms of the UN Security Council,” the MEA said.
It said the meeting will also witness briefings by the UN Secretary General and the President of the 77th UN General Assembly.
“Separately, the ‘High-Level Briefing on Counter Terrorism’ will seek to promote consensus amongst council members on the broad principles of a global counter-terror architecture and aim to further build upon the Delhi Declaration adopted during the Special Meeting of the Counter-Terrorism Committee held on October 28-30 in Mumbai and New Delhi,” the MEA said in a statement.
Jaishankar will also unveil a bust of Mahatma Gandhi at the premises of the UN headquarters.
“The bust, a gift from India to the United Nations, will be the first Gandhi sculpture that will be installed at the UN headquarters,” the MEA said.
Jaishankar will also be launching a ‘Group of Friends for Accountability for Crimes against Peacekeepers’.
During India’s August 2021 Presidency of the UNSC, a resolution was adopted unanimously on ensuring accountability for crimes against UN peacekeepers.
Along with India, the ‘Group of Friends for Accountability for Crimes against Peacekeepers’ will have troop-contributing countries like Bangladesh, Egypt, France, Morocco and Nepal, as its co-chairs.
The MEA said Jaishankar is also expected to hold discussions with the UN Secretary General Ant├│nio Guterres and President of the General Assembly Csaba Korosi, as well as bilaterally engage with his counterparts attending the high-level events of the Indian Presidency.
A special photo exhibition showcasing India’s initiative on ‘International Year of Millets 2023’ along with a millets-based luncheon will also be hosted by Jaishankar for the UN Secretary General and UNSC member states, the MEA said.

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