The second Common Seat Allocation System (CSAS) list that was to be released by Delhi University on Sunday was delayed. The list was initially supposed to be released at 5 p.m. on the website dashboard, but applicants were informed that it would be available after 10 p.m, a university official said.
However, at midnight, the list had not been released. The university did not give any reason for the delay. The university official had said that applicants will be able to accept their allocated seat from 10 a.m. on Monday to 4 59 p.m. on Tuesday.
In the first round of CSAS admissions, the university had offered 80,164 seats out of which 59,100 students paid the fee and completed the admission process. The university had received over 1.75 lakh completed applications ahead of the CSAS rounds.
At the end of the first round, the university declared the number of vacant seats and those students who were unhappy with the seat offered to them were allowed to use the “upgrade” option to secure a seat that was higher up in their college+programme preference list. However, to be eligible for an upgrade, students should have secured a seat in the first round. Over 35,000 students opted for the “upgrade” option and were awaiting the release of the list.
This year, DU has switched to a centralised system to admit students based on their Common University Entrance Test (CUET) scores via the CSAS portal. Applicants when registering on the portal were asked to list their college+programme combinations in order of preference.
Delhi University Registrar Vikas Gupta had said, “For those applicants who used the upgrade option, they would have to accept the new seat and finish the admission formalities for the new allocated preference. The claim for earlier seat admitted stands forfeited, automatically leading to its auto cancellation.”