24 x 7 World News

Dozens of people and pets rescued from surging floodwaters in NSW Central West


The Land Rover LifeFlight helicopter rescued 18 people and 14 pets – including dogs, cats and a turtle – from floodwaters in Orange and Eugowra.

The first rescue occurred at Ophir Reserve Campground near Orange after floodwaters quickly submerged the area, surprising campers.

The LifeFlight helicopter has rescued 18 people and 14 pets from floodwaters in the NSW Central West.
The surging brown floodwaters reach the roofs of properties in Eugowra. (LifeFlight)

Three people and a dog were rescued from the site.

”The campers told the crew it wasn’t raining when they went to bed last night, but they awoke early this morning to water rising halfway up caravans,” LifeFlight said in a statement.

“The crew provided care to keep them warm as they were suffering hyperthermia-like symptoms.”

The group was then transferred to an ambulance at Orange Airport.

The LifeFlight helicopter has rescued 18 people and 14 pets from floodwaters in the NSW Central West.
Three people and their dog are rescued from floodwaters in the NSW Central West. (LifeFlight)

The helicopter continued on its rescue mission to Eugowra where two neighbours were trapped by surrounding fast-flowing floodwaters.

”The LifeFlight paramedic, who is also a qualified rescue crew officer, was first winched down to a woman waiting in her house and brought her up to safety before rescuing the neighbour from the back of a ute,” LifeFlight said.

Further upstream, the helicopter found a woman whose home had been destroyed after floodwaters blew out the windows due to the shear force of the torrents.

“She had made it out onto dry ground so the crew was able to land the Land Rover LifeFlight Special Mission helicopter in a nearby paddock to collect her,” LifeFlight said.

The LifeFlight helicopter has rescued 18 people and 14 pets from floodwaters in the NSW Central West.
Although the floodwaters look peaceful from above, at close range the water is surging through towns. (LifeFlight)

The biggest operation was in Eugowra where 12 people, 10 dogs, two cats and a pet turtle were winched to safety.

The LifeFlight rescues are among hundreds in the area.

Residents at The Escort Way in Forbes woke up to find a kangaroo sheltering from floodwaters in the front of their house. Despite  flooding the family have decided to stay put because they have animals to care for.

Roo seeks shelter from floods inside shocked family’s house

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