Digital Identification Innovator Liquid Avatar Technologies Can Help Make Purchases Streamlined and Secure

As the world has become increasingly online in the digital age, many people have demonstrated that they have no qualms about sharing selfies and snaps as well as personal information all across the internet. However, a significant portion of the population holds privacy as paramount, as web-hackers expand their cyber infiltration skills.

Transacting online requires proper identification in many cases and those who want to keep security in mind have been left with nowhere to turn, potentially compromising their identities. That is, until Canadian company Liquid Avatar Technologies Inc. came on the scene, offering its users a customizable authentication method that ensures seamless and secure transactions.

Liquid Avatar uses a multi-layered approach to protect its clients, allowing only the most necessary information to be shown upon presentation, while keeping private data safe from prying eyes. Utilizing innovative blockchain technology, the platform reduces the chances for dreaded digital identity fraud as a user controls when and where their verifiable identity credentials are used. The Liquid Avatar Mobile App likewise uses Self Sovereign Identity (SSI) digital wallets for the management and control of digital credentials, like those for access, identity and qualifications, and always uses biometric validation to ensure only designated individuals can gain access to the vital information and credentials hosted by and through Liquid Avatar Technologies.

This revolutionary system gives the opportunity to completely change simple transactions in day to day life. A real-world example of how the system can be used is when an individual goes to buy alcohol. Customers must generally present government issued identification to prove they are over the age of eligibility to make the purchase. Liquid Avatar users will be able to verify their age for its purchase by simply using their verifiable credentials stored in their Liquid Avatar Mobile App wallet. This kind of credential will verify to the vendor that the customer meets the minimum age requirements to make the purchase and it also protects other vital pieces of information for the customer. Thanks to the platform’s privacy focus, clients can forgo revealing overly identifying details like their address to the cashier and keep it to the bare necessities. With Liquid Avatar, purchasing a host of products that have traditionally required identification confirmation is a streamlined breeze.

The company likewise offers full customization of its virtual avatars, allowing users’ personalities to shine through while still not revealing any potentially compromising data, giving Liquid Avatar Mobile App users the best of both worlds.

With the Liquid Avatar Mobile App, people can now feel completely protected when making the simplest of daily transactions.

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