24 x 7 World News

Dietitian shares 10 time-tested secrets to healthy living


Healthy living may mean different things to different people, but there is no denying that many swear by certain traditional learnings or nuskhe that have stood the test of time. From the way food is prepared to how it is stored, family secrets that have been passed down for generations always make for healthier alternatives.

Sharing an important reminder on why it is always a good idea to fall back on traditional practices and habits, dietitian Lavleen Kaur posted an Instagram update listing the “top 10 tips, learnings, habits and remedies that I have compiled from their (great grandmother and mother’s) treasure”, along with a picture with them.

*Use sil batta (grinding stone) instead of grinders/mixers to make spices and chutneys for real flavour
*Drink water from matka (claypot) instead of refrigerator
*Dedicate some space for kitchen garden and grow your own herbs and spices
*Malai and makhan for dry skin and natural glow instead of chemicals
*Ajwain (carom seeds), lemon, and rock salt over antacids for acidity
*Storing pulses and legumes with bay leaves to prevent them from going bad
*Utilising leftover dal/sabzi when kneading dough for rotis
*Ghee-sugar choori (when you’re craving sugar)
*Jaggery balls recipe (ghee + jaggery + carom seeds + cumin seeds+ ginger powder) for irregular periods
*Eating with family and the habit of gratitude

She also shared some ways to combat acidity.

*Sip overnight soaked chia seeds water throughout the day
*Saunf and jaggery post meals
*Chew slowly. Take in the next bite only when you have fully eaten the previous one.

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