New Delhi: Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films’ highly anticipated action thriller Deva, starring Shahid Kapoor and Pooja Hegde, is all set to hit the big screen, and anticipation is at an all-time high. After the release of its gripping trailer and high-energy songs, fans are eagerly counting down the days. However, one major detail about the film has left everyone intrigued: a pivotal scene that was shot with an extremely limited crew to ensure absolute secrecy.
An industry insider reveals, “One of the most crucial scenes in Deva was shot with an extremely limited crew to ensure absolute secrecy. This scene is integral to the storyline, and the makers wanted to protect its impact at all costs. The atmosphere on set was intense, with only key personnel involved to maintain confidentiality. Every precaution was taken to avoid leaks, as this moment is expected to leave a lasting impression on the audience.”
Directed by renowned Malayalam filmmaker Rosshan Andrrews, Deva promises to deliver a high-octane cinematic experience. Produced by Zee Studios and Roy Kapur Films, the film is set for release on January 31, 2025, and is already generating massive buzz ahead of its debut.