New Delhi, June 15: A 24-year-old man was arrested for allegedly uploading obscene videos and pictures of his ex-girlfriend on social media to defame her and create pressure on her family to get her to marry him, police said on Thursday. The accused, Kumar Avinash, a resident of Saket, also posted mobile phone numbers of the victim and her mother on social media, they said.
In a police complaint lodged on June 6, the victim alleged that she had been receiving messages and calls from unknown numbers since June 1 and found out later that someone had created her fake profiles on Instagram, Facebook and other social media platforms. Delhi: Student Makes Fake Instagram Profile, Sends Obscene Photos, Messages To Friend’s Relatives To Take Revenge; Arrested.
Obscene videos and pictures of the victim had also been posted on these social media platforms, the police said. Deputy Commissioner of Police (Shahdara) Rohit Meena said the accused was arrested after analysing technical data and tracing IP addresses of the fake IDs. Navi Mumbai Shocker: Man Uploads Obscene Pictures of Wife on Instagram To Take Revenge After She Files Dowry Harassment Case; Accused and Live-In Partner Booked.
During interrogation, Avinash disclosed that he and the victim studied in the same college and were in a relationship. However, the woman parted ways with him as her family did not approve of their relationship, he said.
“The accused wanted to be in a relationship with the victim, so he uploaded her obscene pictures and videos on social media platforms using fake IDs. He thought this would put pressure on her family and due to the defamation, they will get her to marry him,” the officer said.
A laptop and two mobile phones used by the accused in the commission of the crime have been recovered and further investigation is underway, the police said.