Actor Deepika Padukone always looks so put together whenever she steps out in Mumbai to catch a flight. Deepika’s jet-set wardrobe is full of classy and comfy pieces, ranging from jogger sets to breezy cotton suits to trendy pants and oversized shirts. The Pathaan star often turns the airport into her personal runway to display these stylish fits. Case in point: Deepika’s most-recent spotting at the Mumbai airport dressed in a colour-block outfit. Keep scrolling to check out the snippets. (Also Read | Deepika Padukone brings her A-game with comfy airport fashion in a chic oversized shirt and pants. Watch)
Deepika Padukone rocks the colour-block fashion
On Thursday night, Deepika Padukone arrived at the Mumbai airport to catch a flight out of the bay. The paparazzi clicked Deepika outside the departure terminal and posted videos from the outing on social media. The star chose a cropped jacket and baggy pants set for the airport look, rocking the colour-blocking style statement. While the voguish style can easily go wrong, Deepika rocked it by opting for an outfit in a pastel orange and blue hue. She complimented the attire with minimal styling and no-makeup face. Check out Deepika’s clips from the airport below.
Deepika’s airport outfit features a pastel orange-coloured jacket with a raised turtle neckline, front zip closure, a baggy silhouette, drop shoulders, full-length sleeves with contrast blue stripes, cinched cuffs, and a crop hem length.
Deepika styled the cropped jacket with pastel blue-coloured pants featuring a high-rise waistline, side pockets, and flared fitting to give a laidback vibe and contrast orange stripes near the hem. She wore the ensemble with white chunky lace-up sneakers and ditched all other accessories.
In the end, Deepika tied her silky auburn tresses in a pulled-back messy top knot. She gave a finishing touch to her airport outfit with a no-makeup look, glossy nude lips, and glowing skin.
Meanwhile, Deepika Padukone is awaiting the release of her upcoming film Pathaan with Shah Rukh Khan and John Abraham. The action drama is set to hit the theatres on January 25, 2023. She also has The Intern with Amitabh Bachchan, Proiect-K with Prabhas, and Fighter with Hrithik Roshan in the pipeline.
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