Deepika Padukone, Bollywood’s reiging queen currently, celebrates her birthday on January 5. It was in 2007 when DP entered Bollywood and little did we know that she will soon carve an impression like no one else. Besides being a top performer, Deepika is also a fashion maverick who had proved her love for fashion time and again. From Met Gala to Cannes and Oscar after-party, Deepika’s association with glamour has gone beyond Bollywood and how! Fashion Faceoff: Deepika Padukone or Sonam Kapoor, Who Wore This Pearl Collar Better?
A fashion connoisseur of modern times, DP had managed to register some of the best looks under her name. We love her in traditional six yards as much as we adore her in modern designs. A Sabyasachi muse, Deepika has the ability to make you fall for her, harder each time. With her tall and lean frame, she justifies nailing all the best designs available on the block. And while we have our list of favourites, it’s time we go beyond it. Fashion Faceoff: Deepika Padukone or Kriti Sanon, Whose White Ruffle Saree Did You Like?
Today on Deepika Padukone’s birthday, we reminisce all the times when she has featured on our list of best dressed. So here we go.
In Yanina Couture
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Giambattista Valli
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Monisha Jaising
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Sabyasachi
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Custom Louis Vuitton
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Marchesa
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
In Custom Louis Vuitton
Deepika Padukone (Photo Credits: Instagram)
Happy Birthday Deepika Padukone.
(The above story first appeared on Today News 24 on Jan 05, 2023 08:30 AM IST. For more news and updates on politics, world, sports, entertainment and lifestyle, log on to our website
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