The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) on Monday launched a housing scheme in which nearly 8,500 flats are on offer for the lower income group (LIG) and economically weaker section (EWS) categories in Narela on a “first-come-first-serve” basis.
The urban body is offering 5,850 LIG flats in Narela’s sector G-7 priced at ₹22.80 lakh and 2,880 EWS flats in Sectors A1 to A4, priced between ₹10.75 lakh to ₹12.42 lakh.
A senior DDA official said the flats offered in this scheme are part of the urban body’s unsold inventory which has found few takers in the previous schemes.
“There is no deadline for this scheme. It is a running scheme. There are more flats in Narela than we have offered in this scheme. We are first going to observe the public response to this scheme, based on which we will take a decision on whether to offer more flats,” said the senior DDA official.
In the first phase of the scheme, a total of 1,281 flats — 509 LIG and 772 EWS — will be available on a “first-come-first-serve” basis.
Meanwhile, the urban body has also implemented its previously announced relaxation in norms for the allotment of EWS houses.
The relaxation mainly involves doing away with the condition that the applicant’s annual individual income should be less than ₹3 lakh. Instead, the EWS flats will now be allotted on the basis of the annual family income being less than ₹10 lakh.
Individuals will be allowed to check the details of the houses including its location and layout plan on the DDA’s website, following which, interested applicants will have to deposit ₹10,000 as application money for EWS flats, and ₹15,000 in the case of LIG flats.
Through its latest scheme, the urban body looks to dispose of its unsold housing inventory that has accumulated due to the poor performance of its previous housing schemes, since 2014.